Act-On allows you to easily create segments within your marketing lists to maximize the success of your organization’s campaigns. Segments leverage a variety of available data points, including profile, behavioral, lead score, system preferences and more.
The Act-On / Simpleview CRM integration expands the power of segmentation by making CRM contact tags, interest tags, and UDF values available in Act-On. Users can set any of these data points to send to Act-On during the daily sync of contact-based advanced searches.
CRM contact tags, interest tags, and UDF values available in Act-On to power segmentation ensure a one-to-one relationship between data in the two platforms. This connectivity means, for example, that contact tags associated with CRM Form Builder Forms will carry over with contacts in Act-On when segmented. Interest data collected on webforms will also be available if sent to Act-On, allowing your organization to segment based on your website visitor's Enewsletter contact tag value and interests. Segmenting at this level of granularity can optimize conversion rates and achieve higher rates of recipient engagement while decreasing opt-outs.
Additionally, this integration feature allows you to personalize your campaign messaging and segment based on geolocation data.
Click here to read the 'Associating Simpleview CRM Contact Tags and Consumer Interests With Act-On' article at the Simpleview CRM Knowledgebase. (ability to log in to CRM Knowledgebase is required).