Defining Sent Message Reports
Act-On provides your organization with reporting capabilities for your Sent Message. This reporting option supplies you with performance statistics and invaluable information about individual email sends, referred to as messages.
Sent Message reports include sent, delivered, engagement, action tracking, and clickthrough metrics. This report helps your organization make data-driven content and email performance enhancement decisions.
Accessing Sent Message Reports
Select Outbound in your navigation sidebar and click Sent Messages.
Click the dropdown on the selected message and click ‘Report.’ This action displays the report in a pop-up. You also have the option to click the message itself to view the report.
Report Sections
The Sent Message Report displays several tabs that provide information about your email. Below you will find descriptions of tabs the Simpleview Marketing Automation Team considers vital to your organization’s success.
HTML Message
The HTML Message tab displays your message as it appears in your recipients' inbox. This tab provides a heat map overlay, which graphically displays the total number of clicks on links in your email.
The Report tab displays a variety of metrics and provides active breakouts for many of the data points presented.
The Report tab allows you to sort data by various time frames and custom date ranges.
Sent / Delivered / Engagement Metrics
The metrics displayed in this section of the Report tab represent essential information about which contacts have received your message and how they are interacting with it.
Sent: Number of unique email addresses included in the send. Click this number to view all Sent contacts.
Bounced: Number of unique email addresses that were undeliverable due to hard or soft bounces. Click this number to view all Bounced contacts.
Delivered: Number of recipients who received the message. This number totals Sent minus Bounces.
Open Rate: Percentage of successfully delivered messages opened by recipients. Click the number adjacent to the percentage to view all Sent contacts.
Click Rate: Percentage of successfully delivered messages that registered at least one click. Click the number adjacent to the percentage to view all Sent contacts.
Click-To-Open Rate: Percentage of successfully delivered messages that were opened and received at least one click.
Addressed: Number of unique email addresses in lists or segments added to your message. This number totals Sent plus Suppressed.
Not Sent / Suppressed: Number of unique email addresses removed from this send due to suppression or send failure.
Last Opened: The last date and time a recipient viewed your message.
Last Clicked: The last date and time a recipient clicked on a link in your message.
Sent / Delivered / Engagement Charts
The charts in this section of the Report tab provide graphic representations of the message’s metrics. Click on the parameters to isolate and filter data.
Action Tracking Table
The Action Tracking Table summarizes a message’s metric data. Clicking on the unique counts allows you to view contact information. Hovering on the unique percentages informs you how the metric is defined.
Clickthrough Tracking
This section provides metrics on the performance of clickable links in your message.
The Visits tab displays the number of website pages visited by your message recipients. The value is expressed as a percentage and grouped by the total number of visited pages.
The tab also lists all contacts that have visited five or more pages. Clicking on the recipient will open a Contact Report.
Clickthrough Links
The Clickthrough Links tab displays the hyperlinked URLs included in your message. This tab allows you to update links in sent messages. You can also test links to ensure they are valid.
The Clickthrough Links is the only place in the Act-On platform where you can update links after sending a message.