Simpleview DAM New Feature Release: July 07, 2020

Our Product team has recently made updates to the Simpleview DAM. Here are the highlights:

Transitional UI - sticky header

We are happy to announce that our team has enabled sticky mode on the DAM grid. This was a frequent request from our user base. 

With this new feature, users do not need to keep scrolling to the top to access filters, sorting, and pagination and can now access these features regardless of where they are on a page.

Click Here for a Demonstration

Transitional UI: New Icons

A continuation of our efforts towards updating the Simpleview DAM UI, we’ve updated the default icons for AI, PSD, and unknown files with more modern graphics.

Re-branding to Simpleview DAM

Simpleview watermarks, which was completed as part of a previous feature release, have been scaled so they now appear centered regardless of asset size or orientation. 

Resolved Issues

None for this release.

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