Simpleview DAM New Features and Resources: March 29, 2022

Simpleview recently made updates to the Simpleview DAM. On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, these will be available in North and South America, Europe and Africa. Customers in Australia and Asia should see the changes on Wednesday, March 30, 2022.

New Features and Enhancements

Review each product change highlighted below.

Login Page Footer Removed

In recent platform updates, a footer blocked the bottom of Simpleview DAM login pages and disrupted functionality. Simpleview has removed the footer in the login area to resolve these issues.

Request Failed Message Update

A 'Request Failed' pop-up message appears within the Simpleview DAM when a user session times out. Simpleview has updated the failed request messaging with information on how to solve this issue. The updated failed request message reads:

Request failed

If the issue persists, please logout, clear your cache, refresh the page, and login again.

Resolved Issues

  • All new video asset thumbnail images will now appear immediately upon upload. Older asset thumbnails will gradually appear in the Simepleview DAM. Previously, there was an issue causing video thumbnails not to be retrieved correctly.
  • Users will be automatically logged out of the Simpleview DAM once their session has timed out. Previously, users could still interact with dataviews after an expired session, resulting in a Request Failed pop-up message.

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