A - J
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in everyday activities, such as buying an item at the store, going to the movies, enjoying a meal at a local restaurant, exercising at the health club or having the car serviced at a local garage.
A La Carte
Any products that can be purchased separately, as opposed to in a package.
Audiovisual (A/V)
Equipment used for sound and sight.
The degree to which a product, device, service or environment is available to as many people as possible. For example, Hotels or venues or modes of transport accommodate use by people with mobility challenges.
Across the Board
Term used by meeting planners to refer to the all inclusive price, covering all hidden fees (i.e., taxes and gratuities).
Association of Corporate Travel Executives. A global association, composed of executive-level members in more than 100 countries. ACTE pioneers educational and technological advances that make business travel productive, cost-effective and straightforward. (acte.org)
Organized event or sequence of events designed to accomplish an objective.
Action Item
The individual operations or activities that define a process.
Action Requested
On a lead or service request, the action (often specified by the meeting planner) that the destination wishes for its members/partners to take to submit proposals.
Active Member
A destination organization member for whom: a. The current year’s destination organization membership dues have been paid b. The dues are complimentary or ‘traded-out’ as part of a reciprocal relationship. (Standard DMO Performance Reporting: A Handbook for DMOs, 2011)
Activity Provider
Company or individual located in a destination who organizes unique local activities for tourists or business travelers.
Ad hoc
Something made or done without planning so as to meet an immediate need, such as an ad hoc meeting or an ad hoc committee.
Association of Destination Management Executives International. ADMEI is a membership association for Destination Management Companies (DMCs) and is a resource for education, standards, and practices within the Destination Management industry. Previously known as ADME. (admei.org)
Average daily rate, typically in reference to hotels.
Advance Order
An order for services (or goods) prior to an event.
Advance Registration
Registration for a meeting or event prior to the day of the event; also called pre-registration.
Spanish Exhibition and Trade Fair Association. Spanish Trade Fair Association, AFE, is a private, nonprofit, and declared public utility, whose sphere of action is part of Spanish territory, for the representation, coordination, advocacy and promotion of trade fairs of its members. It was established in 1964 and currently formed by 25 members of which 21 are Exhibition Organizers and 4 Associate Members. (afe.es)
Representative of an entertainer who arranges for appearances, performances or shows.
Accredited in Meetings. Nationally recognized standard in the UK for accredited venues and service providers in the meetings, conferences and events industry. (mia-uk.org/AIM)
Asia-Pacific Incentives & Meetings Expo. A trade event for the meetings and event industry in the Asia Pacific region. AIME is when industry decision makers connect, create and do business across the globe. (aime.com.au)
International Association of Congress Centres. The industry association for professional convention and exhibition center managers world wide. AIPC is committed to encouraging and recognizing excellence in convention center management, while at the same time providing the tools to achieve such high standards through its research, educational and networking programs. (aipc.org)
Air Walls
Moveable panels used to subdivide a larger area, such as a hotel ballroom, into smaller rooms.
American Plan
Three meals a day are included in the price of a meal plan at a resort or hotel.
Ancillary Services
This represents all of the non-publishing activities performed by RSVP.
Annual Production
In Tour and Travel, the total dollar value worth to the destination associated with a specific tour company and a specific type of production (room nights at one local accommodation, brochure mentions, etc).
Spanish Association of Congress Centres. Founded in Madrid in 1995, the association represents and defends the collective interests of its members in their dealings with industry peers and with the relevant administrative authorities and to enable the exchange of experiences among its members. (palacios-congresos-es.com)
Accepted Practices Exchange. An initiative of the Convention Industry Council that is bringing together all stakeholders in the development and implementation of industry-wide accepted practices to create and enhance efficiencies throughout the meetings, conventions and exhibitions industry. (eventscouncil.org/Industry-Insights/About-Industry-Insights/about-apex)
Typically a small, specialized program which users download onto their mobile devices.
The part of a stage in a theater extending in front of the curtain.
American Society of Association Executives. ASAE is the essential organization for association management, representing both organizations and individual association professionals.(asaecenter.org) (See CAE)
Associate Meeting Industry
A segment of the MICE industry dedicated exclusively to the planning of meetings and events for associations. (See ICCA, MICE)
Organization of people with a common purpose.
According to the terms of the attrition clause in a contract, when a group does not fulfill its room-block commitment, a payment is required to make up for the rooms not used. (See Room Block)
Attrition Rate
Term that is used to refer to the rate at which an event decreases in size or the number of attendees who do not show up on the day of the event, divided by the number of registered attendees.
Auditorium Seating
Chairs set up in rows facing the speaker or stage, also called Theater Style Seating.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in everyday activities, such as buying an item at the store, going to the movies, enjoying a meal at a local restaurant, exercising at the health club or having the car serviced at a local garage.
A La Carte
Any products that can be purchased separately, as opposed to in a package.
Audiovisual (A/V)
Equipment used for sound and sight.
The degree to which a product, device, service or environment is available to as many people as possible. For example, Hotels or venues or modes of transport accommodate use by people with mobility challenges.
Across the Board
Term used by meeting planners to refer to the all inclusive price, covering all hidden fees (i.e., taxes and gratuities).
Association of Corporate Travel Executives. A global association, composed of executive-level members in more than 100 countries. ACTE pioneers educational and technological advances that make business travel productive, cost-effective and straightforward. (acte.org)
Organized event or sequence of events designed to accomplish an objective.
Action Item
The individual operations or activities that define a process.
Action Requested
On a lead or service request, the action (often specified by the meeting planner) that the destination wishes for its members/partners to take to submit proposals.
Active Member
A destination organization member for whom: a. The current year’s destination organization membership dues have been paid b. The dues are complimentary or ‘traded-out’ as part of a reciprocal relationship. (Standard DMO Performance Reporting: A Handbook for DMOs, 2011)
Activity Provider
Company or individual located in a destination who organizes unique local activities for tourists or business travelers.
Ad hoc
Something made or done without planning so as to meet an immediate need, such as an ad hoc meeting or an ad hoc committee.
Association of Destination Management Executives International. ADMEI is a membership association for Destination Management Companies (DMCs) and is a resource for education, standards, and practices within the Destination Management industry. Previously known as ADME. (admei.org)
Average daily rate, typically in reference to hotels.
Advance Order
An order for services (or goods) prior to an event.
Advance Registration
Registration for a meeting or event prior to the day of the event; also called pre-registration.
Spanish Exhibition and Trade Fair Association. Spanish Trade Fair Association, AFE, is a private, nonprofit, and declared public utility, whose sphere of action is part of Spanish territory, for the representation, coordination, advocacy and promotion of trade fairs of its members. It was established in 1964 and currently formed by 25 members of which 21 are Exhibition Organizers and 4 Associate Members. (afe.es)
Representative of an entertainer who arranges for appearances, performances or shows.
Accredited in Meetings. Nationally recognized standard in the UK for accredited venues and service providers in the meetings, conferences and events industry. (mia-uk.org/AIM)
Asia-Pacific Incentives & Meetings Expo. A trade event for the meetings and event industry in the Asia Pacific region. AIME is when industry decision makers connect, create and do business across the globe. (aime.com.au)
International Association of Congress Centres. The industry association for professional convention and exhibition center managers world wide. AIPC is committed to encouraging and recognizing excellence in convention center management, while at the same time providing the tools to achieve such high standards through its research, educational and networking programs. (aipc.org)
Air Walls
Moveable panels used to subdivide a larger area, such as a hotel ballroom, into smaller rooms.
American Plan
Three meals a day are included in the price of a meal plan at a resort or hotel.
Ancillary Services
This represents all of the non-publishing activities performed by RSVP.
Annual Production
In Tour and Travel, the total dollar value worth to the destination associated with a specific tour company and a specific type of production (room nights at one local accommodation, brochure mentions, etc).
Spanish Association of Congress Centres. Founded in Madrid in 1995, the association represents and defends the collective interests of its members in their dealings with industry peers and with the relevant administrative authorities and to enable the exchange of experiences among its members. (palacios-congresos-es.com)
Accepted Practices Exchange. An initiative of the Convention Industry Council that is bringing together all stakeholders in the development and implementation of industry-wide accepted practices to create and enhance efficiencies throughout the meetings, conventions and exhibitions industry. (eventscouncil.org/Industry-Insights/About-Industry-Insights/about-apex)
Typically a small, specialized program which users download onto their mobile devices.
The part of a stage in a theater extending in front of the curtain.
American Society of Association Executives. ASAE is the essential organization for association management, representing both organizations and individual association professionals.(asaecenter.org) (See CAE)
Associate Meeting Industry
A segment of the MICE industry dedicated exclusively to the planning of meetings and events for associations. (See ICCA, MICE)
Organization of people with a common purpose.
According to the terms of the attrition clause in a contract, when a group does not fulfill its room-block commitment, a payment is required to make up for the rooms not used. (See Room Block)
Attrition Rate
Term that is used to refer to the rate at which an event decreases in size or the number of attendees who do not show up on the day of the event, divided by the number of registered attendees.
Auditorium Seating
Chairs set up in rows facing the speaker or stage, also called Theater Style Seating.
B & B
Bed and Breakfast
Business-to-business administration
Banquet Captain
The lead person or persons, appointed by the venue, charged with overseeing food service at an event.
Banquet Event Order. Also called a Function Sheet or Event Order, a detailed document that provides a venue with instructions and a timeline for how the banquet, meeting, or event will be run.
Banquet Round
A round table used at a banquet that usually seats between 8-12 guests, depending on its diameter.
Best Practices
Series of guidelines, parameters or norms, designed on the basis of past experience, which have obtained good or even excellent results, proving their efficiency and usefulness in a specific context.
Proposal submitted by the destination organization and/or hotel(s) to a planner that includes defined dates and room blocks.
Bid Document
A proposal submitted by a potential vendor offering services; can include approximate costs.
Bid / Proposal
Proposal submitted by a convention and visitors bureau and/or hotel(s) or other suppliers to an event organizer that includes detailed specifications (such as dates, rates, terms and conditions, etc.). (See Contract, Proposal)
Blackout Dates
With regard to venues and hotels, dates that are not available to be sold as a result of high demand or limited availability.
Number of rooms reserved for one group.
Blocked Space
Sleeping rooms, exhibit, event or other function space reserved for future use by an individual or organization.
Discussion or informative website consisting of posts usually displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent appearing first) to which users can subscribe through an RSS feed.
To reserve in advance; to enter, write or register so as to engage transportation or reserve lodging.
A future event contracted in writing by the event organization with the hotel. The destination organization should receive a copy of the contract OR a written communication from an authorized agent of the hotel that a contract has been signed. The communication should detail dates, space requirements and estimated room block. The destination organization should track estimated attendance and attendee spending for the event.
Boutique Hotel
Luxury property with 10-100 rooms, usually located in a chic district of a city, offering guests a special atmosphere, cutting-edge facilities, unique amenities, fine dining, and a very personalized service.
Brand Advocate
Consumer who sees a brand under a favorable light and will speak well of it to family members, friends and acquaintances.
Brand Awareness
Extent to which consumers are aware of a particular product or service.
Set of marketing strategies and tools geared to creating or strengthening a brand.
Break-Out Room
A smaller room used when a larger group breaks into sub-groups.
The B-Travel fair is open to the general public and showcases exciting travel destinations from over 1000 exhibitors from 60 countries. Previously known as the Catalonia International Tourism Show (SITC). (b-travel.com)
Business Rule
Business policies, goal strategies and guidelines that include declarative statements, constraints or predicated actions. Specific policies, conventions and guidelines that form the work activity guidance system for achieving the minimum standard of excellence, and a certain level of quality output at your organization.
Business Traveler
Any person who goes on a trip where the aim is to attend a meeting, event or conference, or participate in an incentive or training workshop.
Bed and Breakfast
Business-to-business administration
Banquet Captain
The lead person or persons, appointed by the venue, charged with overseeing food service at an event.
Banquet Event Order. Also called a Function Sheet or Event Order, a detailed document that provides a venue with instructions and a timeline for how the banquet, meeting, or event will be run.
Banquet Round
A round table used at a banquet that usually seats between 8-12 guests, depending on its diameter.
Best Practices
Series of guidelines, parameters or norms, designed on the basis of past experience, which have obtained good or even excellent results, proving their efficiency and usefulness in a specific context.
Proposal submitted by the destination organization and/or hotel(s) to a planner that includes defined dates and room blocks.
Bid Document
A proposal submitted by a potential vendor offering services; can include approximate costs.
Bid / Proposal
Proposal submitted by a convention and visitors bureau and/or hotel(s) or other suppliers to an event organizer that includes detailed specifications (such as dates, rates, terms and conditions, etc.). (See Contract, Proposal)
Blackout Dates
With regard to venues and hotels, dates that are not available to be sold as a result of high demand or limited availability.
Number of rooms reserved for one group.
Blocked Space
Sleeping rooms, exhibit, event or other function space reserved for future use by an individual or organization.
Discussion or informative website consisting of posts usually displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent appearing first) to which users can subscribe through an RSS feed.
To reserve in advance; to enter, write or register so as to engage transportation or reserve lodging.
A future event contracted in writing by the event organization with the hotel. The destination organization should receive a copy of the contract OR a written communication from an authorized agent of the hotel that a contract has been signed. The communication should detail dates, space requirements and estimated room block. The destination organization should track estimated attendance and attendee spending for the event.
Boutique Hotel
Luxury property with 10-100 rooms, usually located in a chic district of a city, offering guests a special atmosphere, cutting-edge facilities, unique amenities, fine dining, and a very personalized service.
Brand Advocate
Consumer who sees a brand under a favorable light and will speak well of it to family members, friends and acquaintances.
Brand Awareness
Extent to which consumers are aware of a particular product or service.
Set of marketing strategies and tools geared to creating or strengthening a brand.
Break-Out Room
A smaller room used when a larger group breaks into sub-groups.
The B-Travel fair is open to the general public and showcases exciting travel destinations from over 1000 exhibitors from 60 countries. Previously known as the Catalonia International Tourism Show (SITC). (b-travel.com)
Business Rule
Business policies, goal strategies and guidelines that include declarative statements, constraints or predicated actions. Specific policies, conventions and guidelines that form the work activity guidance system for achieving the minimum standard of excellence, and a certain level of quality output at your organization.
Business Traveler
Any person who goes on a trip where the aim is to attend a meeting, event or conference, or participate in an incentive or training workshop.
Certified Association Executive (two certifications of the same name sponsored by ASAE and CSAE, respectively). (See ASAE, CSAE)
Cancellation Clause
Terms and conditions by which a contract may be cancelled and the subsequent penalties incurred by the cancelling party established.
Cancelled Business
An event that was booked for the destination (it can be a confirmed or a contracted booking for a citywide/convention center event) that subsequently did not take place, either because the event itself was cancelled or left the destination before taking place.
Cancelled Member (Lost)
A business that is no longer a destination organization member. A list of possible reasons for cancellation can include, but is not limited to, the following: Financial hardship; No benefit (real or perceived); Out of business; Change in member’s marketing strategy; Headquarters decision; Code of Ethics violation.
The act of moving of exhibit properties over a short distance, or the cost to do so.
A label used to describe items grouped by common attributes. i.e. Meeting Accounts can be grouped into the categories: Association, Corporate, Educational, Fraternal, Government, Other, Rebook, Religious, University, Wedding, etc.
Certified Destination Marketing Executive (certification sponsored by Destinations International). (See Destinations International)
Certified in Exhibition Management (certification sponsored by IAEM). (See IAEM)
Chevron Seating
Room setup whereas chairs are placed in rows forming a V-formation facing the stage or podium, also called Herringbone and V-Shape.
Certified Hospitality Marketing Executive (certification sponsored by HSMAI). (See HSMAI)
China Incentive, Business Travel & Meetings Exhibition. IBTM China is the leading event for the meetings and events industry in the China and Asia Pacific region. (ibtmchina.com)
Convention Industry Council. The Events Industry Council’s 30+ member organizations represent over 103,500 individuals and 19,500 firms and properties involved in the events industry. The Council works to advance the events industry and the professionals who lead the business of meetings. (eventscouncil.org)
Certified Incentive Travel Executive (certification sponsored by SITE). (See SITE)
Citywide Event
An event that requires the use of a convention center or event complex and multiple hotels in the host city.
Classroom Seating
Room set up whereas tables are set in rows with chairs all facing the stage or podium; also called Schoolroom Seating.
Certified Manager Exhibits (certification sponsored by E2MA). (See E2MA)
Certification in Meeting Management (sponsored by MPI). (See MPI)
Certified Meeting Professional. Convention Industry Council certification program for professionals in the meeting, convention and exhibition industries.
Latin American Federation of Professional Congress Organizers. At Cocal we represent, train and incentivize all the actors that make up the value chain of the Business Meetings and Events Industry in America: Event Organizers, Suppliers and Generators, grouped well under the figure of associations, bureaus or destination organizations, universities, public and private institutions, or as professionals, companies and corporations. We promote and project the competitive level of the Industry in the Region towards the world. (cocal.org/)
Cold Calling
Telemarketing technique consisting in contacting prospective customers, who are not expecting any such contact, by telephone, email, via a social network or through a house call, usually with the aim of selling them something.
Sales call made without an appointment.
Informal meeting usually keyed to discussing research or academic issues.
Payment made to an individual or organization for bringing business to another individual or organization. This is an accepted practice in the meeting and event industry.
Agreement between buyer and facility to reserve function and guest-room space.
An organization who wants to or who will be holding a convention. .
Competitive Sites
Other destinations being considered to host the event or lead.
Complete Meeting Package
An all-inclusive plan offered by conference centers; includes lodging, all meals and support services.
Complimentary Rooms
Facility provided rooms without a charge based upon the number of rooms purchased by a group. Also known as Comp Rooms.
An event used by any organization to meet and exchange views, convey a message, open a debate or give publicity to some area of opinion on a specific issue. Although not generally limited in time, conferences are usually of short duration with specific objectives.
Conference Center
A facility that provides a dedicated environment for events, especially small events. May be certified by the International Association of Conference Centers.
1) The regular coming together of large groups of individuals, generally to discuss a particular subject. A congress will often last several days and have several simultaneous sessions. The length of time between congresses is usually established in advance of the implementation stage, and can be either pluri-annual or annual. Most international or world congresses are of the former type while national congresses are more frequently held annually. 2) Meeting of an association of delegates or representatives from constituent organizations. 3) European term for convention.
Congress Hotel
Property, usually with more than 500 rooms, with meeting and event facilities or its own congress center; a property with meeting and event facilities, located next to a convention center.
Contact Sources
An identifiable location or event from which an initial Contact name and information was obtained.
Legally binding document in which the client agrees to the terms and conditions established by a venue, agency, supplier, etc.
Contracted Rooms
This is the amount of rooms and the date(s) that has been contracted/confirmed by the client to consume.
A general and formal meeting of a legislative body, social or economic group in order to provide information on a particular situation and in order to establish consent on policies among the participants.
Convention Center
Facility that combines an exhibition space with a substantial number of smaller event spaces. The purpose of these buildings is to host trade shows, public shows, conventions, large food functions and other functions related to the convention industry. They may be purpose built or converted and municipally or privately owned.
Core Member
An area business or entity that has been a destination organization member for more than three years.
Corporate Event
Event organized by a company for a number of different reasons, such as training, launching a new product, motivating or rewarding staff, clients or suppliers, etc. (See Event)
Corporate Gift
Gift given to someone by a company or business as an expression of appreciation or goodwill, which does not generally carry a marketing message and which can either be tangible (e.g., an object) or intangible (e.g., a trip).
Cost of Non-Core Members
The sum of dues for non-core members divided by the direct member sales costs.
Canadian Society of Association Executives. A not-for-profit professional membership organization for association executives in Canada and across the globe. (See CAE, ASAE) (csae.com)
Certified Special Events Professional. A certification that recognizes event professionals who have successfully demonstrated the knowledge, skills and ability essential to perform all components of a special event. ILEA endorses and manages the voluntary CSEP program for those who meet established standards. (ileahub.com/CSEP)
Cultural Tourism
Type of tourism that revolves around the cultural aspects (historic-artistic heritage, attractions, traditions, lifestyle, etc.) of a specific place, region or country.
Cut-Off Date
The date on which any prior arrangements made with a venue in regards to guarantee number or room block are locked in stone or released. For example, the guarantee number cut-off date is April 1st so as of April 1st the Planners can no longer decrease their guarantee number without a penalty. Or, if rooms in the room block have not been reserved by April 1st, the rooms will be set free for general sale.
Convention and Visitors Bureau. Convention and Visitor Bureaus are organizations charged with representing a specific destination and helping the long-term development of communities through a travel and tourism strategy. Convention and visitor bureaus are usually membership organizations bringing together businesses that rely on tourism and events for revenue. For visitors, CVBs are like a key to the city. As an unbiased resource, CVBs can serve as a broker or an official point of contact for convention and event planners, tour operators and visitors. They assist planners with event preparation and encourage business travelers and visitors alike to visit local historic, cultural and recreational sites. (See Destination Organization and DMO)
Certified Association Executive (two certifications of the same name sponsored by ASAE and CSAE, respectively). (See ASAE, CSAE)
Cancellation Clause
Terms and conditions by which a contract may be cancelled and the subsequent penalties incurred by the cancelling party established.
Cancelled Business
An event that was booked for the destination (it can be a confirmed or a contracted booking for a citywide/convention center event) that subsequently did not take place, either because the event itself was cancelled or left the destination before taking place.
Cancelled Member (Lost)
A business that is no longer a destination organization member. A list of possible reasons for cancellation can include, but is not limited to, the following: Financial hardship; No benefit (real or perceived); Out of business; Change in member’s marketing strategy; Headquarters decision; Code of Ethics violation.
The act of moving of exhibit properties over a short distance, or the cost to do so.
A label used to describe items grouped by common attributes. i.e. Meeting Accounts can be grouped into the categories: Association, Corporate, Educational, Fraternal, Government, Other, Rebook, Religious, University, Wedding, etc.
Certified Destination Marketing Executive (certification sponsored by Destinations International). (See Destinations International)
Certified in Exhibition Management (certification sponsored by IAEM). (See IAEM)
Chevron Seating
Room setup whereas chairs are placed in rows forming a V-formation facing the stage or podium, also called Herringbone and V-Shape.
Certified Hospitality Marketing Executive (certification sponsored by HSMAI). (See HSMAI)
China Incentive, Business Travel & Meetings Exhibition. IBTM China is the leading event for the meetings and events industry in the China and Asia Pacific region. (ibtmchina.com)
Convention Industry Council. The Events Industry Council’s 30+ member organizations represent over 103,500 individuals and 19,500 firms and properties involved in the events industry. The Council works to advance the events industry and the professionals who lead the business of meetings. (eventscouncil.org)
Certified Incentive Travel Executive (certification sponsored by SITE). (See SITE)
Citywide Event
An event that requires the use of a convention center or event complex and multiple hotels in the host city.
Classroom Seating
Room set up whereas tables are set in rows with chairs all facing the stage or podium; also called Schoolroom Seating.
Certified Manager Exhibits (certification sponsored by E2MA). (See E2MA)
Certification in Meeting Management (sponsored by MPI). (See MPI)
Certified Meeting Professional. Convention Industry Council certification program for professionals in the meeting, convention and exhibition industries.
Latin American Federation of Professional Congress Organizers. At Cocal we represent, train and incentivize all the actors that make up the value chain of the Business Meetings and Events Industry in America: Event Organizers, Suppliers and Generators, grouped well under the figure of associations, bureaus or destination organizations, universities, public and private institutions, or as professionals, companies and corporations. We promote and project the competitive level of the Industry in the Region towards the world. (cocal.org/)
Cold Calling
Telemarketing technique consisting in contacting prospective customers, who are not expecting any such contact, by telephone, email, via a social network or through a house call, usually with the aim of selling them something.
Sales call made without an appointment.
Informal meeting usually keyed to discussing research or academic issues.
Payment made to an individual or organization for bringing business to another individual or organization. This is an accepted practice in the meeting and event industry.
Agreement between buyer and facility to reserve function and guest-room space.
An organization who wants to or who will be holding a convention. .
Competitive Sites
Other destinations being considered to host the event or lead.
Complete Meeting Package
An all-inclusive plan offered by conference centers; includes lodging, all meals and support services.
Complimentary Rooms
Facility provided rooms without a charge based upon the number of rooms purchased by a group. Also known as Comp Rooms.
An event used by any organization to meet and exchange views, convey a message, open a debate or give publicity to some area of opinion on a specific issue. Although not generally limited in time, conferences are usually of short duration with specific objectives.
Conference Center
A facility that provides a dedicated environment for events, especially small events. May be certified by the International Association of Conference Centers.
1) The regular coming together of large groups of individuals, generally to discuss a particular subject. A congress will often last several days and have several simultaneous sessions. The length of time between congresses is usually established in advance of the implementation stage, and can be either pluri-annual or annual. Most international or world congresses are of the former type while national congresses are more frequently held annually. 2) Meeting of an association of delegates or representatives from constituent organizations. 3) European term for convention.
Congress Hotel
Property, usually with more than 500 rooms, with meeting and event facilities or its own congress center; a property with meeting and event facilities, located next to a convention center.
Contact Sources
An identifiable location or event from which an initial Contact name and information was obtained.
Legally binding document in which the client agrees to the terms and conditions established by a venue, agency, supplier, etc.
Contracted Rooms
This is the amount of rooms and the date(s) that has been contracted/confirmed by the client to consume.
A general and formal meeting of a legislative body, social or economic group in order to provide information on a particular situation and in order to establish consent on policies among the participants.
Convention Center
Facility that combines an exhibition space with a substantial number of smaller event spaces. The purpose of these buildings is to host trade shows, public shows, conventions, large food functions and other functions related to the convention industry. They may be purpose built or converted and municipally or privately owned.
Core Member
An area business or entity that has been a destination organization member for more than three years.
Corporate Event
Event organized by a company for a number of different reasons, such as training, launching a new product, motivating or rewarding staff, clients or suppliers, etc. (See Event)
Corporate Gift
Gift given to someone by a company or business as an expression of appreciation or goodwill, which does not generally carry a marketing message and which can either be tangible (e.g., an object) or intangible (e.g., a trip).
Cost of Non-Core Members
The sum of dues for non-core members divided by the direct member sales costs.
Canadian Society of Association Executives. A not-for-profit professional membership organization for association executives in Canada and across the globe. (See CAE, ASAE) (csae.com)
Certified Special Events Professional. A certification that recognizes event professionals who have successfully demonstrated the knowledge, skills and ability essential to perform all components of a special event. ILEA endorses and manages the voluntary CSEP program for those who meet established standards. (ileahub.com/CSEP)
Cultural Tourism
Type of tourism that revolves around the cultural aspects (historic-artistic heritage, attractions, traditions, lifestyle, etc.) of a specific place, region or country.
Cut-Off Date
The date on which any prior arrangements made with a venue in regards to guarantee number or room block are locked in stone or released. For example, the guarantee number cut-off date is April 1st so as of April 1st the Planners can no longer decrease their guarantee number without a penalty. Or, if rooms in the room block have not been reserved by April 1st, the rooms will be set free for general sale.
Convention and Visitors Bureau. Convention and Visitor Bureaus are organizations charged with representing a specific destination and helping the long-term development of communities through a travel and tourism strategy. Convention and visitor bureaus are usually membership organizations bringing together businesses that rely on tourism and events for revenue. For visitors, CVBs are like a key to the city. As an unbiased resource, CVBs can serve as a broker or an official point of contact for convention and event planners, tour operators and visitors. They assist planners with event preparation and encourage business travelers and visitors alike to visit local historic, cultural and recreational sites. (See Destination Organization and DMO)
Decision Date
This is the date that the client will be making a decision on where/when the meeting will be held for their organization.
Definite Booking
Guest rooms and function space reservations confirmed in writing.
Registered meeting participants. Individuals who attend an event to primarily visit the exhibits or attend meetings and/or conference sessions. This excludes exhibitors, media, speakers, and companions.
A city, area, or county that can be marketed to groups or individual as a place to visit or hold a meeting.
Destination Organization
An organization of a given geographic area that is charged with representing a specific destination and helping the long-term development of communities through a travel and tourism strategy and is authorized by the appropriate government authority as the representative destination organization exercising those functions (Destinations International). DMS documentation uses this term to encompass both DMOs and CVBs, along with other organizations.
Destinations International (previously known as DMAI). Destinations International is about serving destination marketing and management professionals first and foremost. Together with our members and partners, Destinations International represents a powerful forward-thinking, collaborative association: exchanging bold ideas, connecting innovative people, and elevating tourism to its highest potential. (destinationsinternational.org)
Destination Management Company. A company that specializes in the organization and logistics of meetings and events in a specific location or destination. DMCs charge fees for their services.
Destination Management Certified Professional. Certification awarded by ADMEI to individuals who have demonstrated the highest knowledge of best practices in the Destination Management industry. (admei.org/dmcp)
Destination Marketing Organization. An organization that helps promote and market local attractions, accommodation options, tourism services, transportation, associated retail stores, restaurants, events & more. Their primary long-term objective is to attract visitors to relative destinations and develop local economies as a result of increased tourism. (See Destination Organization, CVB)
Director of Sales. A leader charged with the task of managing a group of Sales Managers to be as effective as possible. Sales Directors are high-level executives whose roles in the companies they work for entail crafting national or international sales plans, justifying those plans to a board of directors or CEO, and supervising regional sales managers to ensure that they are leading and mentoring their teams successfully.
This is the date that the client will be making a decision on where/when the meeting will be held for their organization.
Definite Booking
Guest rooms and function space reservations confirmed in writing.
Registered meeting participants. Individuals who attend an event to primarily visit the exhibits or attend meetings and/or conference sessions. This excludes exhibitors, media, speakers, and companions.
A city, area, or county that can be marketed to groups or individual as a place to visit or hold a meeting.
Destination Organization
An organization of a given geographic area that is charged with representing a specific destination and helping the long-term development of communities through a travel and tourism strategy and is authorized by the appropriate government authority as the representative destination organization exercising those functions (Destinations International). DMS documentation uses this term to encompass both DMOs and CVBs, along with other organizations.
Destinations International (previously known as DMAI). Destinations International is about serving destination marketing and management professionals first and foremost. Together with our members and partners, Destinations International represents a powerful forward-thinking, collaborative association: exchanging bold ideas, connecting innovative people, and elevating tourism to its highest potential. (destinationsinternational.org)
Destination Management Company. A company that specializes in the organization and logistics of meetings and events in a specific location or destination. DMCs charge fees for their services.
Destination Management Certified Professional. Certification awarded by ADMEI to individuals who have demonstrated the highest knowledge of best practices in the Destination Management industry. (admei.org/dmcp)
Destination Marketing Organization. An organization that helps promote and market local attractions, accommodation options, tourism services, transportation, associated retail stores, restaurants, events & more. Their primary long-term objective is to attract visitors to relative destinations and develop local economies as a result of increased tourism. (See Destination Organization, CVB)
Director of Sales. A leader charged with the task of managing a group of Sales Managers to be as effective as possible. Sales Directors are high-level executives whose roles in the companies they work for entail crafting national or international sales plans, justifying those plans to a board of directors or CEO, and supervising regional sales managers to ensure that they are leading and mentoring their teams successfully.
Exhibit & Event Marketers Association is the tradeshow industry's newest association formed by the combining of the Tradeshow Exhibitor's Association (TSEA) and the Exhibitor Appointed Contractors Association (EACA). The mission of the E2MA is to enhance the expertise of exhibit and event planner professionals in exhibit and event marketing, and to raise the level of service excellence on the showfloor. While the names of our legacy associations have changed our values will not. Our member priorities will always be that of the new association. (eaca.com)
Early Bird Registration
Act of registering for a meeting or event before the day it is scheduled to take place. Also known as Advance Registration.
Efficiency Guest Room
A hotel room that includes a kitchen.
EIC Centre for Sustainable Events
Events Industry Council Centre for Sustainable Events. Formerly Green Meetings Industry Council. The vision for the EIC Centre for Sustainable Events is to build a community of sustainable event professionals, and provide them with the tools needed to advance the more than $600 billion USD events industry. The virtual centre provides the globally-relevant resources needed to increase industry resilience through the adoption of sustainable practices and to support a stronger alignment by the events industry to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. (eventscouncil.org/Sustainability/CSE)
An organized occasion such as a meeting, convention, exhibition, special event or gala. In some contexts, Event and Meeting may be used interchangeably.
European Association of Event Centres. The EVVC represents about 750 event centres of all kinds and sizes in Germany and Europe. Event organizers and supply companies supplement the association’s broad range, thus making the EVVC the most versatile communications network within the sector. (evvc.org/en)
Exhibit Booth
One display at an exposition.
Exhibit Hall
The area(s) in an exposition where exhibits are displayed.
Large-scale public showing of objects, artifacts or products for artistic, scientific, cultural or commercial purposes. (See Tradeshow)
Exhibitor Kit
A package of information that includes the rules and forms relating to a specific exhibition, provided to exhibitors by show management. Also called a Service Kit.
Those who attend an event to staff an exhibit
Event or show usually with a collection of exhibits to display products or services.
Exhibit & Event Marketers Association is the tradeshow industry's newest association formed by the combining of the Tradeshow Exhibitor's Association (TSEA) and the Exhibitor Appointed Contractors Association (EACA). The mission of the E2MA is to enhance the expertise of exhibit and event planner professionals in exhibit and event marketing, and to raise the level of service excellence on the showfloor. While the names of our legacy associations have changed our values will not. Our member priorities will always be that of the new association. (eaca.com)
Early Bird Registration
Act of registering for a meeting or event before the day it is scheduled to take place. Also known as Advance Registration.
Efficiency Guest Room
A hotel room that includes a kitchen.
EIC Centre for Sustainable Events
Events Industry Council Centre for Sustainable Events. Formerly Green Meetings Industry Council. The vision for the EIC Centre for Sustainable Events is to build a community of sustainable event professionals, and provide them with the tools needed to advance the more than $600 billion USD events industry. The virtual centre provides the globally-relevant resources needed to increase industry resilience through the adoption of sustainable practices and to support a stronger alignment by the events industry to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. (eventscouncil.org/Sustainability/CSE)
An organized occasion such as a meeting, convention, exhibition, special event or gala. In some contexts, Event and Meeting may be used interchangeably.
European Association of Event Centres. The EVVC represents about 750 event centres of all kinds and sizes in Germany and Europe. Event organizers and supply companies supplement the association’s broad range, thus making the EVVC the most versatile communications network within the sector. (evvc.org/en)
Exhibit Booth
One display at an exposition.
Exhibit Hall
The area(s) in an exposition where exhibits are displayed.
Large-scale public showing of objects, artifacts or products for artistic, scientific, cultural or commercial purposes. (See Tradeshow)
Exhibitor Kit
A package of information that includes the rules and forms relating to a specific exhibition, provided to exhibitors by show management. Also called a Service Kit.
Those who attend an event to staff an exhibit
Event or show usually with a collection of exhibits to display products or services.
Food and Beverage.
FAM Trip
Familiarization Trip. Reduced-rate travel offered to travel industry professionals to introduce them to an area, its attractions, hotels, and facilities. A client attends in order to become familiar with the facilities that the destination organization can offer them. Typically, destination organization staff create an itinerary and lead the tour.
In Travel Trade, also referred to as an Independent Travel (IT), a custom-designed, prepaid travel package with many individualized arrangements. ITs are unescorted and usually have no formal itinerary. Free Independent Traveler; Foreign Independent Traveler; Fully Independent Traveler; Fully Inclusive Tour; Foreign Independent Tour.
International Tourism Fair. FITUR is the global meeting point for tourism professionals and the leading trade fair for inbound and outbound markets in Latin America. (ifema.es/en/fitur)
Floor Plan
Scale diagram of a function room or exhibition floor viewed from above and used for planning the effective use and arrangement of furnishings, stands or other elements.
Food Tourism
Type of tourism whose purpose is to visit an area or region of a country in order to discover its culinary traditions and its best known restaurants. Food tourism, which is also known as culinary tourism, is also usually combined with wine tourism.
Food and Beverage.
FAM Trip
Familiarization Trip. Reduced-rate travel offered to travel industry professionals to introduce them to an area, its attractions, hotels, and facilities. A client attends in order to become familiar with the facilities that the destination organization can offer them. Typically, destination organization staff create an itinerary and lead the tour.
In Travel Trade, also referred to as an Independent Travel (IT), a custom-designed, prepaid travel package with many individualized arrangements. ITs are unescorted and usually have no formal itinerary. Free Independent Traveler; Foreign Independent Traveler; Fully Independent Traveler; Fully Inclusive Tour; Foreign Independent Tour.
International Tourism Fair. FITUR is the global meeting point for tourism professionals and the leading trade fair for inbound and outbound markets in Latin America. (ifema.es/en/fitur)
Floor Plan
Scale diagram of a function room or exhibition floor viewed from above and used for planning the effective use and arrangement of furnishings, stands or other elements.
Food Tourism
Type of tourism whose purpose is to visit an area or region of a country in order to discover its culinary traditions and its best known restaurants. Food tourism, which is also known as culinary tourism, is also usually combined with wine tourism.
Virtual perimeter that can be generated dynamically around any geographical area or a predefined set of limits so as to enclose a specific area such as a conference centre or show floor. It is now being used for marketing, security and anti-theft purposes..
Identifying the real-world geographic location of an object, such as a radar, mobile phone or an Internet-enabled computer or device.
Use of geographic information in the process of planning and implementing marketing initiatives, including sales and distribution.
The Gulf Incentive, Business Travel & Meetings Exhibition. the Middle East's only dedicated platform connecting the region's inbound and outbound MICE and Business Travel industry through face-to-face meetings, pre-scheduled appointments, knowledge and networking. (ibtmevents.com/arabia)
Group Inclusive Tour. a tour of a destination or event for a group of people, usually with some common affiliation (although not always), usually with a minimum of 10 people in the group and usually (although, not exclusively) organized through a travel operator and escorted by a tour guide (although, not necessarily).
Term used to refer to the connections and relationships between global and local issues in many spheres of life: economic, business, social, etc.
Green Meetings Industry Council. Now known as Events Industry Council’s Sustainability Initiative. (eventscouncil.org/Sustainability/CSE)
A group of people who want to hold a meeting at a venue.
Virtual perimeter that can be generated dynamically around any geographical area or a predefined set of limits so as to enclose a specific area such as a conference centre or show floor. It is now being used for marketing, security and anti-theft purposes..
Identifying the real-world geographic location of an object, such as a radar, mobile phone or an Internet-enabled computer or device.
Use of geographic information in the process of planning and implementing marketing initiatives, including sales and distribution.
The Gulf Incentive, Business Travel & Meetings Exhibition. the Middle East's only dedicated platform connecting the region's inbound and outbound MICE and Business Travel industry through face-to-face meetings, pre-scheduled appointments, knowledge and networking. (ibtmevents.com/arabia)
Group Inclusive Tour. a tour of a destination or event for a group of people, usually with some common affiliation (although not always), usually with a minimum of 10 people in the group and usually (although, not exclusively) organized through a travel operator and escorted by a tour guide (although, not necessarily).
Term used to refer to the connections and relationships between global and local issues in many spheres of life: economic, business, social, etc.
Green Meetings Industry Council. Now known as Events Industry Council’s Sustainability Initiative. (eventscouncil.org/Sustainability/CSE)
A group of people who want to hold a meeting at a venue.
Headquarter Hotel
This is the primary property that the meeting is utilizing for rooms for the lead.
High Season
Period when the demand for a supplier’s product or service is highest. Prices generally increase in high season. Also called Peak Season
Housing Bureau
Third-party agency capable of managing the housing process for a meeting, often offered by a convention bureau.
Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International. HSMAI is committed to growing business for hotels and their partners, and is the industry’s leading advocate for intelligent, sustainable hotel revenue growth. The association provides hotel professionals & their partners with tools, insights, and expertise to fuel sales, inspire marketing, and optimize revenue. (global.hsmai.org)
Hunting Tourism
Form of tourism in which a person travels outside his or her place or country residence to hunt.
This is the primary property that the meeting is utilizing for rooms for the lead.
High Season
Period when the demand for a supplier’s product or service is highest. Prices generally increase in high season. Also called Peak Season
Housing Bureau
Third-party agency capable of managing the housing process for a meeting, often offered by a convention bureau.
Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International. HSMAI is committed to growing business for hotels and their partners, and is the industry’s leading advocate for intelligent, sustainable hotel revenue growth. The association provides hotel professionals & their partners with tools, insights, and expertise to fuel sales, inspire marketing, and optimize revenue. (global.hsmai.org)
Hunting Tourism
Form of tourism in which a person travels outside his or her place or country residence to hunt.
International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions. IAAPA is a trade association representing the attractions industry. (iaapa.org)
International Association of Conference Centres. The only global professional association which represents small to medium sized venues focused on meetings, training courses and conferences. All members conform to a comprehensive global set of criteria and standards. (iacconline.org)
International Association of Exhibitions and Events. Organized in 1928 as the National Association of Exposition Managers to represent the interests of trade show and exposition managers, the International Association of Exhibitions and Events® is the leading association for the global exhibition industry. Today IAEE represents over 12,000 individuals in 50 countries who conduct and support exhibitions around the world. Formerly known as IAEM (International Association for Exhibition Management) (iaee.com)
International Association for Exhibition Management. Now known as International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE).
International Association of Professional Congress Organizers. IAPCO is the international accreditation member-driven association for Professional Congress Organizers around the world. Its remit is to raise quality standards within the meetings industry. (iapco.org)
International Air Transport Association. IATA is the trade association for the world’s airlines, representing some 290 airlines or 82% of total air traffic. We support many areas of aviation activity and help formulate industry policy on critical aviation issues. (iata.org)
International Congress and Convention Association. ICCA is the global association leader for the international meetings industry and specializes in the international association meetings sector, offering unrivaled data, education, communication channels, and business development and networking opportunities. (iccaworld.org)
International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association. The leading member-based global organization dedicated to LGBT tourism and a proud Affiliate Member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The association’s membership includes LGBT and LGBT-friendly accommodations, destinations, service providers, travel agents, tour operators, events and travel media in over 80 countries on all six inhabited continents. (iglta.org)
International Live Events Association. A global community of thousands of creative event professionals whose skills, expertise and experience power some of the most recognized and respected live events around the world. ILEA provides education and collaborative networking opportunities that achieve creative event experiences. (ileahub.com)
The Worldwide Exhibition for Incentive Travel, Meetings and Events. Brings the global meetings industry together in one place at one time, at two annual events: IMEX America and IMEX Frankfurt.
Gratuity, either in cash or in the form of a trip or unique experience, with the aim of motivating or rewarding employees, customers or suppliers for their performance, goals reached, or loyalty.
Incentive House
Company that designs and runs incentive programs, often including travel, for other companies looking to award their staff, clients, suppliers, etc.
International Special Event Society. Now known as International Live Events Association (ILEA).
International Standards Organization. an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 164 national standards bodies (iso.org). Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.
Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings Asia. IT&CMA and Corporate Travel World (CTW) Asia-Pacific is Asia-Pacific’s only double-billed Event in MICE and Corporate Travel. Both events have been co-locating since 2004, offering its delegates an unparalleled platform to do business, learn and network with industry players from around the region and beyond. (itcma.com)
IT&CM China
Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings China. Since 2007, IT&CM China has established itself as China’s leading international Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) business, education and networking event, dedicated to “Promoting China to the World and the World to China”. (itcmchina.com)
IT&CM India
Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings India. IT&CM India is an international MICE business, education and networking event that advances opportunities of “Promoting India to the World and the World to India”. The event delivers both international and Indian delegates across exhibitors, buyers and media categories, thus promoting business opportunities on all fronts - inbound, outbound and domestic. (itcmindia.com)
International Trade Exhibitions. one of the world’s organizers of international trade exhibitions and conferences and specializes in organizing events that help to connect businesses to the world. The group organizes exhibitions and conferences each year worldwide with many market leading events and well known brands in key industry sectors. (2exhibitions.com)
A recommended schedule of visitor-oriented activities, usually including (but not limited to) the destination’s cultural institutions and attractions, dining establishments, entertainment and recreation venues, retail stores and often highlighting unique, one-of-a-kind offerings. Itineraries are often themed: family, romantic, first-time visitor, etc.
International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions. IAAPA is a trade association representing the attractions industry. (iaapa.org)
International Association of Conference Centres. The only global professional association which represents small to medium sized venues focused on meetings, training courses and conferences. All members conform to a comprehensive global set of criteria and standards. (iacconline.org)
International Association of Exhibitions and Events. Organized in 1928 as the National Association of Exposition Managers to represent the interests of trade show and exposition managers, the International Association of Exhibitions and Events® is the leading association for the global exhibition industry. Today IAEE represents over 12,000 individuals in 50 countries who conduct and support exhibitions around the world. Formerly known as IAEM (International Association for Exhibition Management) (iaee.com)
International Association for Exhibition Management. Now known as International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE).
International Association of Professional Congress Organizers. IAPCO is the international accreditation member-driven association for Professional Congress Organizers around the world. Its remit is to raise quality standards within the meetings industry. (iapco.org)
International Air Transport Association. IATA is the trade association for the world’s airlines, representing some 290 airlines or 82% of total air traffic. We support many areas of aviation activity and help formulate industry policy on critical aviation issues. (iata.org)
International Congress and Convention Association. ICCA is the global association leader for the international meetings industry and specializes in the international association meetings sector, offering unrivaled data, education, communication channels, and business development and networking opportunities. (iccaworld.org)
International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association. The leading member-based global organization dedicated to LGBT tourism and a proud Affiliate Member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The association’s membership includes LGBT and LGBT-friendly accommodations, destinations, service providers, travel agents, tour operators, events and travel media in over 80 countries on all six inhabited continents. (iglta.org)
International Live Events Association. A global community of thousands of creative event professionals whose skills, expertise and experience power some of the most recognized and respected live events around the world. ILEA provides education and collaborative networking opportunities that achieve creative event experiences. (ileahub.com)
The Worldwide Exhibition for Incentive Travel, Meetings and Events. Brings the global meetings industry together in one place at one time, at two annual events: IMEX America and IMEX Frankfurt.
Gratuity, either in cash or in the form of a trip or unique experience, with the aim of motivating or rewarding employees, customers or suppliers for their performance, goals reached, or loyalty.
Incentive House
Company that designs and runs incentive programs, often including travel, for other companies looking to award their staff, clients, suppliers, etc.
International Special Event Society. Now known as International Live Events Association (ILEA).
International Standards Organization. an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 164 national standards bodies (iso.org). Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.
Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings Asia. IT&CMA and Corporate Travel World (CTW) Asia-Pacific is Asia-Pacific’s only double-billed Event in MICE and Corporate Travel. Both events have been co-locating since 2004, offering its delegates an unparalleled platform to do business, learn and network with industry players from around the region and beyond. (itcma.com)
IT&CM China
Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings China. Since 2007, IT&CM China has established itself as China’s leading international Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) business, education and networking event, dedicated to “Promoting China to the World and the World to China”. (itcmchina.com)
IT&CM India
Incentive Travel & Conventions, Meetings India. IT&CM India is an international MICE business, education and networking event that advances opportunities of “Promoting India to the World and the World to India”. The event delivers both international and Indian delegates across exhibitors, buyers and media categories, thus promoting business opportunities on all fronts - inbound, outbound and domestic. (itcmindia.com)
International Trade Exhibitions. one of the world’s organizers of international trade exhibitions and conferences and specializes in organizing events that help to connect businesses to the world. The group organizes exhibitions and conferences each year worldwide with many market leading events and well known brands in key industry sectors. (2exhibitions.com)
A recommended schedule of visitor-oriented activities, usually including (but not limited to) the destination’s cultural institutions and attractions, dining establishments, entertainment and recreation venues, retail stores and often highlighting unique, one-of-a-kind offerings. Itineraries are often themed: family, romantic, first-time visitor, etc.
We don’t have any J words to define for you. Enjoy a jaguar instead. 

K - T
Key Industry Segment (Tourism Sector Business Segments)
Can include, but is not limited to, accommodations, restaurants, attractions, cultural institutions, retail establishments, etc.
Key performance indicators. KPIs are the critical indicators of progress toward an intended result. KPIs provide a focus for strategic and operational improvement, create an analytical basis for decision making and help focus attention on what matters most.
Can include, but is not limited to, accommodations, restaurants, attractions, cultural institutions, retail establishments, etc.
Key performance indicators. KPIs are the critical indicators of progress toward an intended result. KPIs provide a focus for strategic and operational improvement, create an analytical basis for decision making and help focus attention on what matters most.
Potential client for meetings, motor coach tours and/or sporting events. An event inquiry by a meeting planner that includes a request for a minimum of 10 sleeping rooms per night (peak rooms) over a specific set/range of dates that is forwarded by the destination organization sales staff to hotels that meet the meeting planner’s event criteria. Additional Notes: For convention center events, if the destination organization sends a lead first to the convention center for date availability and then to the hotel(s) for room blocks as a matter of policy, this process should be counted as ONE lead for reporting purposes. Destination organizations may have confidential/internal leads which are generated for performance reporting but are not distributed or published in an external document or calendar. (As defined by Destinations International )Lead may be both a status level and the actual inquiry sent to the hotel(s)/convention center.
Potential sales contact; an individual or company expressing interest in a service or product. (See Lead retrieval, Lead tracking)
Lead Commitment
An obligation to the client based on them booking the business with the destination organization. This can be a rebate on the rooms, sponsoring a meal, or just a cash subsidy to the client.
Lead Retrieval
Process whereby exhibitors receive the contact information of potential customers by any number of means (business card exchange, business card or badge scanning, barcode or QR code scanning using a smartphone or scanner, mobile apps, etc.). (See App, Lead)
Lead Tracking
Manual or automated system used to conduct follow-up activities for sales prospects stemming from an event. (See Lead)
LGBT (or GLBT) is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. The initialism, as well as some of its common variants, have been adopted into the mainstream as an umbrella term for use when labeling topics pertaining to sexuality and gender identity. The initialism LGBT is intended to emphasize a diversity of sexuality and gender identity-based cultures. It may refer to anyone who is non-heterosexual or non-cisgender, instead of exclusively to people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. To recognize this inclusion, a popular variant adds the letter Q for those who identify as queer or are questioning their sexual identity; LGBTQ has been recorded since 1996. (Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT)
LGBTQ Travel
Travel geared specifically to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community.
A description of a member or partner’s business. Listings can be categorized and displayed on the destination organization’s website, in printed guides, and other publications and sources produced by the destination organization.
Term used interchangeably with "destination" to refer to the city or geographical area where an event is going to take place, and also to any kind of facility used to stage it partially or totally, such as a hotel or convention centre.
Location-based Marketing
Use of mobile marketing techniques to target mobile users within a certain geographic area.
Lost Opportunity
A potential event in the lead or tentative stage that was subsequently lost by the destination. This does NOT include venue changes within the destination. The destination organization should track the number of estimated room nights, attendance and attendee spending, along with the reason associated to the lost opportunity. (As defined by Destinations International)
Potential client for meetings, motor coach tours and/or sporting events. An event inquiry by a meeting planner that includes a request for a minimum of 10 sleeping rooms per night (peak rooms) over a specific set/range of dates that is forwarded by the destination organization sales staff to hotels that meet the meeting planner’s event criteria. Additional Notes: For convention center events, if the destination organization sends a lead first to the convention center for date availability and then to the hotel(s) for room blocks as a matter of policy, this process should be counted as ONE lead for reporting purposes. Destination organizations may have confidential/internal leads which are generated for performance reporting but are not distributed or published in an external document or calendar. (As defined by Destinations International )Lead may be both a status level and the actual inquiry sent to the hotel(s)/convention center.
Potential sales contact; an individual or company expressing interest in a service or product. (See Lead retrieval, Lead tracking)
Lead Commitment
An obligation to the client based on them booking the business with the destination organization. This can be a rebate on the rooms, sponsoring a meal, or just a cash subsidy to the client.
Lead Retrieval
Process whereby exhibitors receive the contact information of potential customers by any number of means (business card exchange, business card or badge scanning, barcode or QR code scanning using a smartphone or scanner, mobile apps, etc.). (See App, Lead)
Lead Tracking
Manual or automated system used to conduct follow-up activities for sales prospects stemming from an event. (See Lead)
LGBT (or GLBT) is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. The initialism, as well as some of its common variants, have been adopted into the mainstream as an umbrella term for use when labeling topics pertaining to sexuality and gender identity. The initialism LGBT is intended to emphasize a diversity of sexuality and gender identity-based cultures. It may refer to anyone who is non-heterosexual or non-cisgender, instead of exclusively to people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. To recognize this inclusion, a popular variant adds the letter Q for those who identify as queer or are questioning their sexual identity; LGBTQ has been recorded since 1996. (Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT)
LGBTQ Travel
Travel geared specifically to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community.
A description of a member or partner’s business. Listings can be categorized and displayed on the destination organization’s website, in printed guides, and other publications and sources produced by the destination organization.
Term used interchangeably with "destination" to refer to the city or geographical area where an event is going to take place, and also to any kind of facility used to stage it partially or totally, such as a hotel or convention centre.
Location-based Marketing
Use of mobile marketing techniques to target mobile users within a certain geographic area.
Lost Opportunity
A potential event in the lead or tentative stage that was subsequently lost by the destination. This does NOT include venue changes within the destination. The destination organization should track the number of estimated room nights, attendance and attendee spending, along with the reason associated to the lost opportunity. (As defined by Destinations International)
Market Segment
Categorization of organization or business by professional discipline or areas of interest for the purposes of sales analysis or assignment. (As defined by Destinations International) Examples for meeting Accounts: Agriculture, Corporate, Education, Reunion, SMERF, Sport, Fraternal, Government, Legal, Manufacturing, Medical, Military, Other, Professional, Religious, Reunion, SMERF, Sport, Wedding.
Marketing (Initiative)
The process of selling a meeting to the target audience. (As defined by Destinations International)
Marketing Automation
A category of technology that allows organizations to streamline, automate and measure marketing tasks and workflows, so they can increase operational efficiency and grow revenue faster.
Media Advisory
Concisely alerts the media to an upcoming event.
An event where the primary activity of the attendees is to attend educational sessions, participate in meetings/discussions, socialize, or attend organized events. There is no exhibit component to this event. (As defined by Destinations International)
Meeting Manager
A person whose job it is to arrange every aspect of planning and conducting a meeting or convention. (As defined by Destinations International)
Meeting Planner
Qualified and accredited professional responsible for the partial or total planning, organization, management, coordination, and staging of an event. Also Event Organizer and Event Planner(As defined by Destinations International)
Meeting Specifications
Preliminary information about a meeting (such as occupancy pattern, function space, food and beverage requirements, etc.) that is circulated by the destination organization. (As defined by Destinations International)
Meeting Metrics
Comprehensive online meeting measurement and reporting system, based on 25 years of meeting measurement experience of its parent company, GuideStar Research.
A Tourism Sector business participating as a dues-paying stakeholder in a destination organization.
Member Event
Events planned and managed by the destination organization as a benefit to members. These might include mixers for networking, educational sessions and other events meant to bring members together as well as strengthen the relationship with the destination organization.
Member/Partner Servicing
Activities performed by a Membership/Partnership team in order to engage members, monitor their satisfaction with their participation with the destination organization, and provide benefits such as reporting, training, etc.
Meeting Industry Association. The Meetings Industry Association is the principal association supporting and growing the business meetings and events industry in the UK, and the keeper of AIM, the UK’s only recognized quality standard for the meetings industry. They support members with research and training and, through a multitude of networking opportunities, help them to grow and strengthen their business. (mia-uk.org)
Meetings, Incentives, Conventions/Conferences, and Exhibitions. Meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions is a type of tourism in which large groups, usually planned well in advance, are brought together. Recently there has been an industry trend towards using the term 'meetings industry' to avoid confusion from the acronym. Other industry educators are recommending the use of "events industry" to be an umbrella term for the vast scope of the meeting and events and profession. (ICCA: https://iccaworld.org/aeps/aeitem.cfm?aeid=29)
Meeting Industry Marketing Awards.The event industry’s recognition program for event marketers. MIMA was launched in 2002 to raise the standards of marketing in the meetings and events industry and to recognize the marketers. (mimaawards.com)
MITM Americas
Meetings and Incentive Travel Market for the American Continent and the Caribbean. GSAR Marketing has successfully organized, from 1997, MITM Americas, the oldest and pioneer international MICE trade show in America & The Caribbean in programming B2B appointments and including an outstanding interactive networking program that ensures direct contact between all participants. (mitmevents.com/mitm-americas-en.html)
MITM Euromed
Meetings and Incentive Travel Market for Europe and the Mediterranean. GSAR Marketing has successfully organized, from 1997, MITM Euromed, the oldest and pioneer international MICE trade show in Europe & Mediterranean in programming B2B appointments and including an outstanding interactive networking program that ensures direct contact between all participants.(mitmevents.com/mitm-euromed-en.html)
Meeting Professionals International. Meeting Professionals International (MPI) is the largest meeting and event industry association worldwide. Founded in 1972, MPI provides innovative and relevant education, networking opportunities and business exchanges, and acts as a prominent voice for the promotion and growth of the industry. MPI has a global community of 60,000 meeting and event professionals, including more than 17,000 engaged members and its Plan Your Meetings audience. It has more than 70 chapters and clubs in 75 countries worldwide. (mpi.org)
Categorization of organization or business by professional discipline or areas of interest for the purposes of sales analysis or assignment. (As defined by Destinations International) Examples for meeting Accounts: Agriculture, Corporate, Education, Reunion, SMERF, Sport, Fraternal, Government, Legal, Manufacturing, Medical, Military, Other, Professional, Religious, Reunion, SMERF, Sport, Wedding.
Marketing (Initiative)
The process of selling a meeting to the target audience. (As defined by Destinations International)
Marketing Automation
A category of technology that allows organizations to streamline, automate and measure marketing tasks and workflows, so they can increase operational efficiency and grow revenue faster.
Media Advisory
Concisely alerts the media to an upcoming event.
An event where the primary activity of the attendees is to attend educational sessions, participate in meetings/discussions, socialize, or attend organized events. There is no exhibit component to this event. (As defined by Destinations International)
Meeting Manager
A person whose job it is to arrange every aspect of planning and conducting a meeting or convention. (As defined by Destinations International)
Meeting Planner
Qualified and accredited professional responsible for the partial or total planning, organization, management, coordination, and staging of an event. Also Event Organizer and Event Planner(As defined by Destinations International)
Meeting Specifications
Preliminary information about a meeting (such as occupancy pattern, function space, food and beverage requirements, etc.) that is circulated by the destination organization. (As defined by Destinations International)
Meeting Metrics
Comprehensive online meeting measurement and reporting system, based on 25 years of meeting measurement experience of its parent company, GuideStar Research.
A Tourism Sector business participating as a dues-paying stakeholder in a destination organization.
Member Event
Events planned and managed by the destination organization as a benefit to members. These might include mixers for networking, educational sessions and other events meant to bring members together as well as strengthen the relationship with the destination organization.
Member/Partner Servicing
Activities performed by a Membership/Partnership team in order to engage members, monitor their satisfaction with their participation with the destination organization, and provide benefits such as reporting, training, etc.
Meeting Industry Association. The Meetings Industry Association is the principal association supporting and growing the business meetings and events industry in the UK, and the keeper of AIM, the UK’s only recognized quality standard for the meetings industry. They support members with research and training and, through a multitude of networking opportunities, help them to grow and strengthen their business. (mia-uk.org)
Meetings, Incentives, Conventions/Conferences, and Exhibitions. Meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions is a type of tourism in which large groups, usually planned well in advance, are brought together. Recently there has been an industry trend towards using the term 'meetings industry' to avoid confusion from the acronym. Other industry educators are recommending the use of "events industry" to be an umbrella term for the vast scope of the meeting and events and profession. (ICCA: https://iccaworld.org/aeps/aeitem.cfm?aeid=29)
Meeting Industry Marketing Awards.The event industry’s recognition program for event marketers. MIMA was launched in 2002 to raise the standards of marketing in the meetings and events industry and to recognize the marketers. (mimaawards.com)
MITM Americas
Meetings and Incentive Travel Market for the American Continent and the Caribbean. GSAR Marketing has successfully organized, from 1997, MITM Americas, the oldest and pioneer international MICE trade show in America & The Caribbean in programming B2B appointments and including an outstanding interactive networking program that ensures direct contact between all participants. (mitmevents.com/mitm-americas-en.html)
MITM Euromed
Meetings and Incentive Travel Market for Europe and the Mediterranean. GSAR Marketing has successfully organized, from 1997, MITM Euromed, the oldest and pioneer international MICE trade show in Europe & Mediterranean in programming B2B appointments and including an outstanding interactive networking program that ensures direct contact between all participants.(mitmevents.com/mitm-euromed-en.html)
Meeting Professionals International. Meeting Professionals International (MPI) is the largest meeting and event industry association worldwide. Founded in 1972, MPI provides innovative and relevant education, networking opportunities and business exchanges, and acts as a prominent voice for the promotion and growth of the industry. MPI has a global community of 60,000 meeting and event professionals, including more than 17,000 engaged members and its Plan Your Meetings audience. It has more than 70 chapters and clubs in 75 countries worldwide. (mpi.org)
National Association of Catering Executives. NACE offers education, resources, and networking to empower catering and event professionals to thrive in their careers. NACE is the first non-profit national organization for caterers, event planners and event professionals that provides education, certification and a network of resources for members in all segments of the hospitality industry. (nace.net)
North American Industry Classification System is a classification of business establishments by type of economic activity (process of production). It is used by government and business in Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America. It has largely replaced the older Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system, except in some government agencies, such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). (naics.com)
Net Cancelled Members
Total Cancelled members less Reinstated members. Can also be measured by new and core members, and by key industry segments.
Net Square Footage
Total square feet of booth space at an exposition facility.
Act of cultivating productive relationships for employment or business
New Member
A member who is a first-year member (has not yet renewed membership for the first time).
New Member Sales
The sales process required in order to engage qualified membership prospects and sell or upsell engagement level with the destination organization.
Non-dues Revenues
Non-dues revenue programs may differ among destination organizations but may include advertising sales, promotional buy-ins, etc. and are only those programs for which the membership function is responsible.
Organization whose members cannot benefit from its net proceeds.
Non-tourism Sector Stakeholders
Businesses, government agencies, and other organizations that are impacted or affected by tourism within the destination. These can include utility companies, non-tourism business associations, educational institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the destination’s community residents.
Number of Visitors
For websites, this is the number of different individuals who visit a website within a specific time period.
National Association of Catering Executives. NACE offers education, resources, and networking to empower catering and event professionals to thrive in their careers. NACE is the first non-profit national organization for caterers, event planners and event professionals that provides education, certification and a network of resources for members in all segments of the hospitality industry. (nace.net)
North American Industry Classification System is a classification of business establishments by type of economic activity (process of production). It is used by government and business in Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America. It has largely replaced the older Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system, except in some government agencies, such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). (naics.com)
Net Cancelled Members
Total Cancelled members less Reinstated members. Can also be measured by new and core members, and by key industry segments.
Net Square Footage
Total square feet of booth space at an exposition facility.
Act of cultivating productive relationships for employment or business
New Member
A member who is a first-year member (has not yet renewed membership for the first time).
New Member Sales
The sales process required in order to engage qualified membership prospects and sell or upsell engagement level with the destination organization.
Non-dues Revenues
Non-dues revenue programs may differ among destination organizations but may include advertising sales, promotional buy-ins, etc. and are only those programs for which the membership function is responsible.
Organization whose members cannot benefit from its net proceeds.
Non-tourism Sector Stakeholders
Businesses, government agencies, and other organizations that are impacted or affected by tourism within the destination. These can include utility companies, non-tourism business associations, educational institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the destination’s community residents.
Number of Visitors
For websites, this is the number of different individuals who visit a website within a specific time period.
Occupancy Rate
In the hotel/motel industry, the percentage representing the total number of available sleeping rooms actually occupied. Derived by dividing the total number of rooms occupied during a given time period (night, week, year) by the total number of rooms available for occupancy during that same period. (As defined by Destinations International)
A period of the year when demand for a destination decreases and prices go down.
A term that describes any function or activity that occurs away from the primary event facility. Examples of its use include "Off-Site Food & Beverage," "Off-Site Venue," etc.
Voluntary subscription to a distribution list or database. Also known as “subscribe.”
Voluntary removal from a distribution list or database. Also known as “unsubscribe.”
A group of persons organized for a particular purpose, especially a business, society, association, etc.
Online travel agency. An OTA is a travel website that specializes in the sale of travel products to consumers. Some agencies sell a variety of travel products including flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises, activities, and packages. Other agencies, such as Viator, GetYourGuide, BeMyGuest, and others specialize in the sale of tours and activities. In all cases, the travel agency has an agency agreement with tour or activity providers to resell their products where the agency takes payment from the consumer and pays net rates to the provider.
Outbound Operator
Firm that organizes trips for groups from a given city or country to another city or country.
Attendees booked into other facilities after headquarters facilities are full.
Overnight Stay
Night spent by an event attendee/delegate at a hotel or similar accommodation.
In the hotel/motel industry, the percentage representing the total number of available sleeping rooms actually occupied. Derived by dividing the total number of rooms occupied during a given time period (night, week, year) by the total number of rooms available for occupancy during that same period. (As defined by Destinations International)
A period of the year when demand for a destination decreases and prices go down.
A term that describes any function or activity that occurs away from the primary event facility. Examples of its use include "Off-Site Food & Beverage," "Off-Site Venue," etc.
Voluntary subscription to a distribution list or database. Also known as “subscribe.”
Voluntary removal from a distribution list or database. Also known as “unsubscribe.”
A group of persons organized for a particular purpose, especially a business, society, association, etc.
Online travel agency. An OTA is a travel website that specializes in the sale of travel products to consumers. Some agencies sell a variety of travel products including flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises, activities, and packages. Other agencies, such as Viator, GetYourGuide, BeMyGuest, and others specialize in the sale of tours and activities. In all cases, the travel agency has an agency agreement with tour or activity providers to resell their products where the agency takes payment from the consumer and pays net rates to the provider.
Outbound Operator
Firm that organizes trips for groups from a given city or country to another city or country.
Attendees booked into other facilities after headquarters facilities are full.
Overnight Stay
Night spent by an event attendee/delegate at a hotel or similar accommodation.
Page Views
Number of times a visitor goes to a webpage.
A Tourism Sector business participating as a stakeholder with a destination organization, most often with a' la carte fees rather than dues.
Pattern of Event Dates
The dates during which an event can be conducted. May be designated by specific dates, months, or seasons (Spring, Fall, etc.). An example description is "September 1 - October 30 (excluding Labor Day, Jewish Holidays). This annual meeting must begin on Thursday and end on Saturday."
PCI Compliance
Adherence to a set of specific security standards developed to protect credit card information during and after a financial transaction.
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. An information security standard for organizations that handle branded credit cards from the major card schemes. The PCI Standard is mandated by the card brands but administered by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council. The standard was created to increase controls around cardholder data to reduce credit card fraud.
Professional Convention Management Association. The organization's Education Foundation provides scholarship and supports research. PCMA's Digital Experience Institute provides live stream and digital events. PCMA aims to drive global economic and social transformation through business events including its own Convening Leaders annual conference. Other PCMA events include its Education Conference and Knowledge Exchanges, small regional networking and education opportunities. (pcma.org)
Professional Conference Organizer. A company which specializes in the organization and management of congresses, conferences, seminars and similar events.
Peak Night
Referring to the night during a meeting when most rooms are used by those in attendance.
Peak Rooms
The amount of rooms occurring on the Peak Night of a meeting.
Performance Measure
A measure that helps to define and quantify the results of the destination organization activity. Implementation of this system of measures will yield actionable tools that the destination organization staff can use for short - and long-term enhancements of its efforts.
Pickup Rooms
The amount of rooms that were actually used during the meeting. This is gathered from the properties after the meeting has left the destination.
Pre-Con Meeting
A meeting at the primary facility in which an event will take place just prior to the event beginning. Attendees generally include the primary event organizer, representatives of the event organizer/host organization, department heads at the facility, other facility staff as appropriate, and contractors. The agenda focuses on reviewing the purpose and details of the event and making final adjustments as needed.
Pre-Convention Briefing
A meeting for the planner to review with facility personnel the details of the convention.
Preferred Dates
The date range that the client would like to book rooms for in the destination.
A collection of Action Items, Business Rules and Assigned Actors that contribute to the achievement of a business objective.
Professional Organization
Generally speaking, a non-profit organization whose aim is to advance a certain profession.
Professional Congress Organizer
Company specializing in the organization and management of congresses, conferences, seminars, and similar events.
Property Sales Manager
Usually reports to the Director of Sales at a facility; sells hotel rooms.
A plan put forth for consideration or acceptance. (As defined by Destinations International) Response given by a supplier to an inquiry by a prospective client in which venue, hotel and services specifications, availability and costs are detailed.
Public Relations
Also known as PR. The methods and activities employed to establish and promote a favorable relationship with the public, includes working with the media.
Number of times a visitor goes to a webpage.
A Tourism Sector business participating as a stakeholder with a destination organization, most often with a' la carte fees rather than dues.
Pattern of Event Dates
The dates during which an event can be conducted. May be designated by specific dates, months, or seasons (Spring, Fall, etc.). An example description is "September 1 - October 30 (excluding Labor Day, Jewish Holidays). This annual meeting must begin on Thursday and end on Saturday."
PCI Compliance
Adherence to a set of specific security standards developed to protect credit card information during and after a financial transaction.
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. An information security standard for organizations that handle branded credit cards from the major card schemes. The PCI Standard is mandated by the card brands but administered by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council. The standard was created to increase controls around cardholder data to reduce credit card fraud.
Professional Convention Management Association. The organization's Education Foundation provides scholarship and supports research. PCMA's Digital Experience Institute provides live stream and digital events. PCMA aims to drive global economic and social transformation through business events including its own Convening Leaders annual conference. Other PCMA events include its Education Conference and Knowledge Exchanges, small regional networking and education opportunities. (pcma.org)
Professional Conference Organizer. A company which specializes in the organization and management of congresses, conferences, seminars and similar events.
Peak Night
Referring to the night during a meeting when most rooms are used by those in attendance.
Peak Rooms
The amount of rooms occurring on the Peak Night of a meeting.
Performance Measure
A measure that helps to define and quantify the results of the destination organization activity. Implementation of this system of measures will yield actionable tools that the destination organization staff can use for short - and long-term enhancements of its efforts.
Pickup Rooms
The amount of rooms that were actually used during the meeting. This is gathered from the properties after the meeting has left the destination.
Pre-Con Meeting
A meeting at the primary facility in which an event will take place just prior to the event beginning. Attendees generally include the primary event organizer, representatives of the event organizer/host organization, department heads at the facility, other facility staff as appropriate, and contractors. The agenda focuses on reviewing the purpose and details of the event and making final adjustments as needed.
Pre-Convention Briefing
A meeting for the planner to review with facility personnel the details of the convention.
Preferred Dates
The date range that the client would like to book rooms for in the destination.
A collection of Action Items, Business Rules and Assigned Actors that contribute to the achievement of a business objective.
Professional Organization
Generally speaking, a non-profit organization whose aim is to advance a certain profession.
Professional Congress Organizer
Company specializing in the organization and management of congresses, conferences, seminars, and similar events.
Property Sales Manager
Usually reports to the Director of Sales at a facility; sells hotel rooms.
A plan put forth for consideration or acceptance. (As defined by Destinations International) Response given by a supplier to an inquiry by a prospective client in which venue, hotel and services specifications, availability and costs are detailed.
Public Relations
Also known as PR. The methods and activities employed to establish and promote a favorable relationship with the public, includes working with the media.
We don’t have any Q words to define for you. Enjoy some quince flowers instead. 

Rack Rate
Term used in the hotel industry to refer to the cost of a room when a customer requests accommodation on the same day, without a prior booking. This rate is often the highest available.
Receptive Operator
Used on a Tour Lead to indicate a client’s preference for a specific inbound tour operator or travel agent.
Referral Marketing
Series of marketing techniques whose aim is to ensure that all satisfied clients act as brand advocates.
An area of the body having natural or arbitrary boundaries. Typically representing various areas of the market, e.g. Easter, Central and Western United States.
Person who registers for an event.
Registration Desk
An area where guests check-in prior to attending a meeting or event.
Registration Fee
Amount paid to attend a conference or event.
Registration Form
Form that attendees must fill in so as to attend an event, providing contact details and another basic information.
Registration Kit
Packet of meeting materials, including maps, agendas and additional pertinent information for event attendees.
Reinstated Member
A cancelled member that reactivated its membership within a specific amount of time (at the discretion of the destination organization — usually fewer than 12 months).
Relationship Marketing
Strategy designed to foster customer loyalty, interaction and long-term engagement.
Request for Information
A preliminary step to a Request for Proposal (RFP), in which a company solicits a number of potential vendors for information about their products and services.
Requested Rooms
When a client is requesting a proposal for available room rates, this is the quantity of rooms needed by the client along with the dates needed for those rooms.
Hotel facility that specializes in its recreation attractions. (As defined by Destinations International)
Resort Conference Center
A conference facility with at least one major amenity.
A proposal submitted by a hotel property to a destination organization to pass onto a potential client.
Response Due Date
The last day for a member/partner to submit a response to a Lead or Service Request.
Revenue per available room. A metric used in the hospitality industry to measure hotel performance. The measurement is calculated by multiplying a hotel's average daily room rate by its occupancy rate.
Request for Proposal. A formal request by a company, containing detailed specifications, to a potential vendor asking for a bid on satisfying those specifications.
Return on advertising spend. A marketing metric that measures the amount of revenue a business earns for each dollar it spends on advertising.
Return on event. The amount of money earned or lost by investing in an event after deducting the production costs; return on experience.
Room Attendees
The amount of attendees staying overnight for an event.
Room Block
Total number of sleeping rooms reserved for the meeting.
Room Inventory
Number of rooms available at a hotel property.
Room Layout
The way in which a function room’s furniture is arranged: formats include banquet, classroom, conference or imperial, reception or cocktail party, theatre, U-shaped, etc.
Room Nights
Number of rooms blocked or occupied multiplied by number of nights each room is reserved or occupied.
Room Pickup
The number of sleeping rooms actually used by event attendees and exhibitors.
Room Turnover
Time required in order for a venue to change a meeting room from one layout to another.
Term used in the hotel industry to refer to the cost of a room when a customer requests accommodation on the same day, without a prior booking. This rate is often the highest available.
Receptive Operator
Used on a Tour Lead to indicate a client’s preference for a specific inbound tour operator or travel agent.
Referral Marketing
Series of marketing techniques whose aim is to ensure that all satisfied clients act as brand advocates.
An area of the body having natural or arbitrary boundaries. Typically representing various areas of the market, e.g. Easter, Central and Western United States.
Person who registers for an event.
Registration Desk
An area where guests check-in prior to attending a meeting or event.
Registration Fee
Amount paid to attend a conference or event.
Registration Form
Form that attendees must fill in so as to attend an event, providing contact details and another basic information.
Registration Kit
Packet of meeting materials, including maps, agendas and additional pertinent information for event attendees.
Reinstated Member
A cancelled member that reactivated its membership within a specific amount of time (at the discretion of the destination organization — usually fewer than 12 months).
Relationship Marketing
Strategy designed to foster customer loyalty, interaction and long-term engagement.
Request for Information
A preliminary step to a Request for Proposal (RFP), in which a company solicits a number of potential vendors for information about their products and services.
Requested Rooms
When a client is requesting a proposal for available room rates, this is the quantity of rooms needed by the client along with the dates needed for those rooms.
Hotel facility that specializes in its recreation attractions. (As defined by Destinations International)
Resort Conference Center
A conference facility with at least one major amenity.
A proposal submitted by a hotel property to a destination organization to pass onto a potential client.
Response Due Date
The last day for a member/partner to submit a response to a Lead or Service Request.
Revenue per available room. A metric used in the hospitality industry to measure hotel performance. The measurement is calculated by multiplying a hotel's average daily room rate by its occupancy rate.
Request for Proposal. A formal request by a company, containing detailed specifications, to a potential vendor asking for a bid on satisfying those specifications.
Return on advertising spend. A marketing metric that measures the amount of revenue a business earns for each dollar it spends on advertising.
Return on event. The amount of money earned or lost by investing in an event after deducting the production costs; return on experience.
Room Attendees
The amount of attendees staying overnight for an event.
Room Block
Total number of sleeping rooms reserved for the meeting.
Room Inventory
Number of rooms available at a hotel property.
Room Layout
The way in which a function room’s furniture is arranged: formats include banquet, classroom, conference or imperial, reception or cocktail party, theatre, U-shaped, etc.
Room Nights
Number of rooms blocked or occupied multiplied by number of nights each room is reserved or occupied.
Room Pickup
The number of sleeping rooms actually used by event attendees and exhibitors.
Room Turnover
Time required in order for a venue to change a meeting room from one layout to another.
Software as a service. A method of software delivery and licensing in which software is accessed online via a subscription, rather than bought and installed on individual computers.
Sales Coordinator / Manager
Hotel staff person responsible for selling sleeping rooms and function space.
Scientific Committee
Group of experts chosen by the organizers of a scientific congress to advise them in scientific decision-making.
Search engine marketing. Search engine marketing is the practice of marketing a business using paid advertisements that appear on search engine results pages.
Search engine optimization. The process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.
Service Desk
The location at which exhibitors order services from show management.
Service Kit
A package of information that includes the rules and forms relating to a specific exhibition, provided to exhibitors by show management.
Service Provider
Person or company from whom supplies are ordered which will be used during a conference or event.
Service Region
A grouping of States, usually along basic geographical lines.
Service Request
A lead distributed by the destination organization that is not for hotel rooms. This is typically for meeting space, off site meals, activities, transportation, functions, etc.
Shopping Tourism
Type of tourism in which travelers visit destinations famous for shops and boutiques, or discount retail shopping centers, with the aim of buying clothes or other articles that are unavailable or less expensive than in their place of residence.
Shoulder Dates
These are days before or after Meeting Dates typically used for meeting set up and tear down.
Shoulder Season
A travel period between a destination’s peak and off-peak seasons.
Term used to refer to events such as congresses, exhibitions and trade shows.
All essential signs for an event, including directional and informational.
Catalonia International Tourism Show. The name of the show was changed to B-Travel in 2015. (See B-Travel)
Area, property or specific facility to be used for meeting. (As defined by Destinations International)
Site Inspection
Personal, careful investigation of a property, facility, or area. Often conducted by a meeting planner in anticipation of a site selection for future meeting consideration.
Site Selection
Process by which a location for the event is chosen.
In the hospitality industry, an acronym for Social, Military, Educational, Religious, Fraternal, indicating a market segment for the sales of banqueting rooms and meeting facilities
SMERF Meetings
Meetings and events geared to social, military, educational, religious and fraternal groups.
The way DMS tracks changes to a lead through its life cycle in order to provide proper reporting and estimated economic impact value.
Social Media
Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.
Source Code
Where you acquired the Account, Contact, Lead, etc. Values for this may include Trade Show, Sales Call, Referral, Website, Direct Mail, etc.
Spec Book
A document used by a meeting planner to record itemized and detailed instructions for suppliers providing support for an event.
A business or group within a destination organization's tourism sector. DMS documentation uses the term Stakeholder to encompass both Members and Partners. (See Member, Partner, Tourism Sector Stakeholder)
Stay Over
Guests who opt to remain at a hotel past the departure date.
Room property, such as a hotel, or a service provider.
Suspended Member
A member whose dues payment is past due for a certain amount of time (specific amount of time to be determined by the destination organization). The action taken by the organization (total or partial suspension of benefits, etc.) is also at the individual organization’s discretion. Often indicated with an Account status of “Frozen”.
Software as a service. A method of software delivery and licensing in which software is accessed online via a subscription, rather than bought and installed on individual computers.
Sales Coordinator / Manager
Hotel staff person responsible for selling sleeping rooms and function space.
Scientific Committee
Group of experts chosen by the organizers of a scientific congress to advise them in scientific decision-making.
Search engine marketing. Search engine marketing is the practice of marketing a business using paid advertisements that appear on search engine results pages.
Search engine optimization. The process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.
Service Desk
The location at which exhibitors order services from show management.
Service Kit
A package of information that includes the rules and forms relating to a specific exhibition, provided to exhibitors by show management.
Service Provider
Person or company from whom supplies are ordered which will be used during a conference or event.
Service Region
A grouping of States, usually along basic geographical lines.
Service Request
A lead distributed by the destination organization that is not for hotel rooms. This is typically for meeting space, off site meals, activities, transportation, functions, etc.
Shopping Tourism
Type of tourism in which travelers visit destinations famous for shops and boutiques, or discount retail shopping centers, with the aim of buying clothes or other articles that are unavailable or less expensive than in their place of residence.
Shoulder Dates
These are days before or after Meeting Dates typically used for meeting set up and tear down.
Shoulder Season
A travel period between a destination’s peak and off-peak seasons.
Term used to refer to events such as congresses, exhibitions and trade shows.
All essential signs for an event, including directional and informational.
Catalonia International Tourism Show. The name of the show was changed to B-Travel in 2015. (See B-Travel)
Area, property or specific facility to be used for meeting. (As defined by Destinations International)
Site Inspection
Personal, careful investigation of a property, facility, or area. Often conducted by a meeting planner in anticipation of a site selection for future meeting consideration.
Site Selection
Process by which a location for the event is chosen.
In the hospitality industry, an acronym for Social, Military, Educational, Religious, Fraternal, indicating a market segment for the sales of banqueting rooms and meeting facilities
SMERF Meetings
Meetings and events geared to social, military, educational, religious and fraternal groups.
The way DMS tracks changes to a lead through its life cycle in order to provide proper reporting and estimated economic impact value.
Social Media
Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.
Source Code
Where you acquired the Account, Contact, Lead, etc. Values for this may include Trade Show, Sales Call, Referral, Website, Direct Mail, etc.
Spec Book
A document used by a meeting planner to record itemized and detailed instructions for suppliers providing support for an event.
A business or group within a destination organization's tourism sector. DMS documentation uses the term Stakeholder to encompass both Members and Partners. (See Member, Partner, Tourism Sector Stakeholder)
Stay Over
Guests who opt to remain at a hotel past the departure date.
Room property, such as a hotel, or a service provider.
Suspended Member
A member whose dues payment is past due for a certain amount of time (specific amount of time to be determined by the destination organization). The action taken by the organization (total or partial suspension of benefits, etc.) is also at the individual organization’s discretion. Often indicated with an Account status of “Frozen”.
Status assigned to a Lead or Service Request after the bid has been submitted to the meeting planner and the destination is waiting for a decision. (As defined by Destinations International)
The Meetings Show UK
MICE event held in London. Launched in 2013, the show welcomes exhibitors from the UK and around the world including hotels, luxury hotels, destinations, destination management companies, conference centres, venues and technology suppliers.
Theater Seating
Chairs set up in rows facing the speaker or stage. Also called Auditorium Seating.
Third-Party Planner
A company specializing in meeting planning that is hired to help a potential client plan for the meeting and decide where they will be holding it.
Thought Leader
Individual or company that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field and whose expertise is sought after and often rewarded.
Total Business Value
Sum of all revenue that the meeting will bring to the facility. (As defined by Destinations International)
Total Room Nights
Sum of rooms occupied over a specified time frame. (As defined by Destinations International)
Any prearranged roundtrip to one or more destinations; a recreational trip or activity for event attendees or accompanying persons included in the event program.
Tour Operator
Person or company who typically provides tourists with package holidays, combining tour and travel elements; company offering more than two travel services.
Tourism Sector Stakeholder
Businesses and organizations that contribute to tourism within the destination. These generally include attractions, events and festivals, convention and meeting venues, hotels and other types of accommodations, restaurants and other food service businesses, transportation companies, travel trade businesses such as tour operators, travel agencies, meeting planners, DMCs, etc., and the media. The destination organization can also be held accountable to Non-Tourism Sector Stakeholders.
Trade Association
Association of organizations in the same trade whose aim is to further their collective interests.
Trade Show
An exposition; an event at which goods and services in a specific industry are exhibited and demonstrated - Trade shows are primarily a business-to-business event, although some trade shows are open to consumers.
Trade Show / Exhibition
An event where the primary activity of the attendees is to visit exhibits on the show floor. These events focus primarily on business to business (B2B) relationships. (As defined by Destinations International)
Travel Agent
Person or firm qualified to arrange for hotel rooms, meals, transportation, cruises, tours, and other travel elements. (As defined by Destinations International).
Status assigned to a Lead or Service Request after the bid has been submitted to the meeting planner and the destination is waiting for a decision. (As defined by Destinations International)
The Meetings Show UK
MICE event held in London. Launched in 2013, the show welcomes exhibitors from the UK and around the world including hotels, luxury hotels, destinations, destination management companies, conference centres, venues and technology suppliers.
Theater Seating
Chairs set up in rows facing the speaker or stage. Also called Auditorium Seating.
Third-Party Planner
A company specializing in meeting planning that is hired to help a potential client plan for the meeting and decide where they will be holding it.
Thought Leader
Individual or company that is recognized as an authority in a specialized field and whose expertise is sought after and often rewarded.
Total Business Value
Sum of all revenue that the meeting will bring to the facility. (As defined by Destinations International)
Total Room Nights
Sum of rooms occupied over a specified time frame. (As defined by Destinations International)
Any prearranged roundtrip to one or more destinations; a recreational trip or activity for event attendees or accompanying persons included in the event program.
Tour Operator
Person or company who typically provides tourists with package holidays, combining tour and travel elements; company offering more than two travel services.
Tourism Sector Stakeholder
Businesses and organizations that contribute to tourism within the destination. These generally include attractions, events and festivals, convention and meeting venues, hotels and other types of accommodations, restaurants and other food service businesses, transportation companies, travel trade businesses such as tour operators, travel agencies, meeting planners, DMCs, etc., and the media. The destination organization can also be held accountable to Non-Tourism Sector Stakeholders.
Trade Association
Association of organizations in the same trade whose aim is to further their collective interests.
Trade Show
An exposition; an event at which goods and services in a specific industry are exhibited and demonstrated - Trade shows are primarily a business-to-business event, although some trade shows are open to consumers.
Trade Show / Exhibition
An event where the primary activity of the attendees is to visit exhibits on the show floor. These events focus primarily on business to business (B2B) relationships. (As defined by Destinations International)
Travel Agent
Person or firm qualified to arrange for hotel rooms, meals, transportation, cruises, tours, and other travel elements. (As defined by Destinations International).
U - Z
UFI is the global association of the world’s leading tradeshow organizers and fairground owners, as well as the major national and international exhibition associations and selected partners of the exhibition industry.
United Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations. Through its history UFTAA has been a faithful, active and neutral advocate for all associations and independent travel agencies, irrespective of size and location. In the competitive environment of today a neutral umbrella organization like UFTAA is needed more than ever before to defend and promote the interests of travel agencies in their professional work on behalf and for the traveling consumers.
User-generated content. is any form of content, such as images, videos, text, and audio, that has been posted by users on online platforms such as social media and wikis. It is a product consumers create to disseminate an online product or the firm that markets it. (Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User-generated_content)
Unique Venue
A facility/business whose singularity is due to its location, architecture, heritage value, decor, fixtures, normal use, etc. Examples range from castles, palaces, ruins and other heritage sites where it is not usually permitted to stage events, to museums, theaters, football stadiums, etc.
U-Shape Seating
Tables set up in a U shape with chairs arranged around the perimeter. Chairs may also be placed outside or inside.
U.S. Travel Association. The leading force that grows and sustains travel and protects the freedom to travel. Their efforts are focused on achieving a shared vision for the industry: Travel is understood as essential to the economy, American jobs, security, image and well-being of the United States and travelers.
UFI is the global association of the world’s leading tradeshow organizers and fairground owners, as well as the major national and international exhibition associations and selected partners of the exhibition industry.
United Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations. Through its history UFTAA has been a faithful, active and neutral advocate for all associations and independent travel agencies, irrespective of size and location. In the competitive environment of today a neutral umbrella organization like UFTAA is needed more than ever before to defend and promote the interests of travel agencies in their professional work on behalf and for the traveling consumers.
User-generated content. is any form of content, such as images, videos, text, and audio, that has been posted by users on online platforms such as social media and wikis. It is a product consumers create to disseminate an online product or the firm that markets it. (Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User-generated_content)
Unique Venue
A facility/business whose singularity is due to its location, architecture, heritage value, decor, fixtures, normal use, etc. Examples range from castles, palaces, ruins and other heritage sites where it is not usually permitted to stage events, to museums, theaters, football stadiums, etc.
U-Shape Seating
Tables set up in a U shape with chairs arranged around the perimeter. Chairs may also be placed outside or inside.
U.S. Travel Association. The leading force that grows and sustains travel and protects the freedom to travel. Their efforts are focused on achieving a shared vision for the industry: Travel is understood as essential to the economy, American jobs, security, image and well-being of the United States and travelers.
Value Added Tax. A tax, which is levied at each stage of the production or distribution of a product and becomes a sales tax to the consumer. (As defined by Destinations International)
The site or destination where a meeting is being hosted/held. In the case of entertainment, it is the location of a performance such as hall, ballroom, auditorium, etc. (As defined by Destinations International)
Visitor(s) Information Center. A physical location that provides tourist information to visitors; may provide a revenue source through sales of souvenirs, merchandise, or even tickets.
Visitor(s’) Center
A location, or multiple locations, within a destination that allow a destination organization to service leisure travelers and other visitors to the destination.
Visitor Services
This menu of management features, found on the DMS main navigation panel, helps destination organizations address inquiries from visitors.
V-Shape Seating
Room setup whereas chairs are placed in rows forming a V-formation facing the stage or podium; also called Chevron and Herringbone.
Value Added Tax. A tax, which is levied at each stage of the production or distribution of a product and becomes a sales tax to the consumer. (As defined by Destinations International)
The site or destination where a meeting is being hosted/held. In the case of entertainment, it is the location of a performance such as hall, ballroom, auditorium, etc. (As defined by Destinations International)
Visitor(s) Information Center. A physical location that provides tourist information to visitors; may provide a revenue source through sales of souvenirs, merchandise, or even tickets.
Visitor(s’) Center
A location, or multiple locations, within a destination that allow a destination organization to service leisure travelers and other visitors to the destination.
Visitor Services
This menu of management features, found on the DMS main navigation panel, helps destination organizations address inquiries from visitors.
V-Shape Seating
Room setup whereas chairs are placed in rows forming a V-formation facing the stage or podium; also called Chevron and Herringbone.
Walk-in Visitor
A visitor who enters a Visitor Center is counted as a walk-in visitor for purposes of reporting traffic channels of inquiries to Visitor Center staff.
Inspection of a facility and its set up. A review of a meeting’s itinerary and its details.
A location or address on the world wide web; may contain several web pages of related information. (As defined by Destinations International)
World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations. A not for profit, non political organization which groups together, around the world, tourist guide associations; individual tourist guides where no association exists; tourism partners of both the WFTGA and member associations; educational institutes in tourism for tourist guides; convention and visitors bureaus and affiliate members who have direct or indirect association with tourist guides. (wftga.org)
World Food Travel Association. WFTA was founded in 2003 as a non-profit and non-governmental organization and today is regarded as the world’s leading authority on food and beverage tourism. Every year, the Association serves a community of nearly 200,000+ professionals in 150 countries.(worldfoodtravel.org)
Wine Tourism
Type of tourism whose purpose is to visit one or more of a country’s wine growing regions in order to tour wineries and taste and purchase wine. Wine tourism also usually includes a gastronomic element.
World Travel Market. WTM enables the growth and development of the global travel industry. Through six annual business to business events across four continents, it creates opportunities for travel industry professionals to connect, learn and do business.
World Travel and Tourism Council. WTTC represents the global private sector of Travel & Tourism, with a mission to ensure the sector is seamless, secure, safe, inclusive and sustainable. WTTC raises awareness of Travel & Tourism’s value, not just as one of the world’s largest economic sectors, but also to the many communities and travelers enriched through their experiences. (wttc.org)
A visitor who enters a Visitor Center is counted as a walk-in visitor for purposes of reporting traffic channels of inquiries to Visitor Center staff.
Inspection of a facility and its set up. A review of a meeting’s itinerary and its details.
A location or address on the world wide web; may contain several web pages of related information. (As defined by Destinations International)
World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations. A not for profit, non political organization which groups together, around the world, tourist guide associations; individual tourist guides where no association exists; tourism partners of both the WFTGA and member associations; educational institutes in tourism for tourist guides; convention and visitors bureaus and affiliate members who have direct or indirect association with tourist guides. (wftga.org)
World Food Travel Association. WFTA was founded in 2003 as a non-profit and non-governmental organization and today is regarded as the world’s leading authority on food and beverage tourism. Every year, the Association serves a community of nearly 200,000+ professionals in 150 countries.(worldfoodtravel.org)
Wine Tourism
Type of tourism whose purpose is to visit one or more of a country’s wine growing regions in order to tour wineries and taste and purchase wine. Wine tourism also usually includes a gastronomic element.
World Travel Market. WTM enables the growth and development of the global travel industry. Through six annual business to business events across four continents, it creates opportunities for travel industry professionals to connect, learn and do business.
World Travel and Tourism Council. WTTC represents the global private sector of Travel & Tourism, with a mission to ensure the sector is seamless, secure, safe, inclusive and sustainable. WTTC raises awareness of Travel & Tourism’s value, not just as one of the world’s largest economic sectors, but also to the many communities and travelers enriched through their experiences. (wttc.org)
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