Industry Glossary

A - J

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in everyday activities, such as buying an item at the store, going to the movies, enjoying a meal at a local restaurant, exercising at the health club or having the car serviced at a local garage.

A La Carte
Any products that can be purchased separately, as opposed to in a package.

Audiovisual (A/V)
Equipment used for sound and sight.

The degree to which a product, device, service or environment is available to as many people as possible. For example, Hotels or venues or modes of transport accommodate use by people with mobility challenges.

Across the Board
Term used by meeting planners to refer to the all inclusive price, covering all hidden fees (i.e., taxes and gratuities).

Association of Corporate Travel Executives. A global association, composed of executive-level members in more than 100 countries. ACTE pioneers educational and technological advances that make business travel productive, cost-effective and straightforward. (

Organized event or sequence of events designed to accomplish an objective.

Action Item
The individual operations or activities that define a process.

Action Requested
On a lead or service request, the action (often specified by the meeting planner) that the destination wishes for its members/partners to take to submit proposals.

Active Member
A destination organization member for whom: a. The current year’s destination organization membership dues have been paid b. The dues are complimentary or ‘traded-out’ as part of a reciprocal relationship. (Standard DMO Performance Reporting: A Handbook for DMOs, 2011)

Activity Provider
Company or individual located in a destination who organizes unique local activities for tourists or business travelers.

Ad hoc
Something made or done without planning so as to meet an immediate need, such as an ad hoc meeting or an ad hoc committee.

Association of Destination Management Executives International. ADMEI is a membership association for Destination Management Companies (DMCs) and is a resource for education, standards, and practices within the Destination Management industry.  Previously known as ADME. (

Average daily rate, typically in reference to hotels.

Advance Order
An order for services (or goods) prior to an event.

Advance Registration
Registration for a meeting or event prior to the day of the event; also called pre-registration.

Spanish Exhibition and Trade Fair Association. Spanish Trade Fair Association, AFE, is a private, nonprofit, and declared public utility, whose sphere of action is part of Spanish territory, for the representation, coordination, advocacy and promotion of trade fairs of its members. It was established in 1964 and currently formed by 25 members of which 21 are Exhibition Organizers and 4 Associate Members. (

Representative of an entertainer who arranges for appearances, performances or shows.

Accredited in Meetings. Nationally recognized standard in the UK for accredited venues and service providers in the meetings, conferences and events industry. (

Asia-Pacific Incentives & Meetings Expo. A trade event for the meetings and event industry in the Asia Pacific region. AIME is when industry decision makers connect, create and do business across the globe. (

International Association of Congress Centres. The industry association for professional convention and exhibition center managers world wide. AIPC is committed to encouraging and recognizing excellence in convention center management, while at the same time providing the tools to achieve such high standards through its research, educational and networking programs. (

Air Walls
Moveable panels used to subdivide a larger area, such as a hotel ballroom, into smaller rooms.

American Plan
Three meals a day are included in the price of a meal plan at a resort or hotel.

Ancillary Services
This represents all of the non-publishing activities performed by RSVP.

Annual Production
In Tour and Travel, the total dollar value worth to the destination associated with a specific tour company and a specific type of production (room nights at one local accommodation, brochure mentions, etc).

Spanish Association of Congress Centres. Founded in Madrid in 1995, the association represents and defends the collective interests of its members in their dealings with industry peers and with the relevant administrative authorities and to enable the exchange of experiences among its members. (

Accepted Practices Exchange. An initiative of the Convention Industry Council that is bringing together all stakeholders in the development and implementation of industry-wide accepted practices to create and enhance efficiencies throughout the meetings, conventions and exhibitions industry. (

Typically a small, specialized program which users download onto their mobile devices.

The part of a stage in a theater extending in front of the curtain.

American Society of Association Executives. ASAE is the essential organization for association management, representing both organizations and individual association professionals.( (See CAE)

Associate Meeting Industry
A segment of the MICE industry dedicated exclusively to the planning of meetings and events for associations. (See ICCA, MICE)

Organization of people with a common purpose.

According to the terms of the attrition clause in a contract, when a group does not fulfill its room-block commitment, a payment is required to make up for the rooms not used. (See Room Block)

Attrition Rate
Term that is used to refer to the rate at which an event decreases in size or the number of attendees who do not show up on the day of the event, divided by the number of registered attendees.

Auditorium Seating
Chairs set up in rows facing the speaker or stage, also called Theater Style Seating.

K - T

Key Industry Segment (Tourism Sector Business Segments)
Can include, but is not limited to, accommodations, restaurants, attractions, cultural institutions, retail establishments, etc.

Key performance indicators. KPIs are the critical indicators of progress toward an intended result. KPIs provide a focus for strategic and operational improvement, create an analytical basis for decision making and help focus attention on what matters most.

U - Z

UFI is the global association of the world’s leading tradeshow organizers and fairground owners, as well as the major national and international exhibition associations and selected partners of the exhibition industry.

United Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations. Through its history UFTAA has been a faithful, active and neutral advocate for all associations and independent travel agencies, irrespective of size and location. In the competitive environment of today a neutral umbrella organization like UFTAA is needed more than ever before to defend and promote the interests of travel agencies in their professional work on behalf and for the traveling consumers.

User-generated content. is any form of content, such as images, videos, text, and audio, that has been posted by users on online platforms such as social media and wikis. It is a product consumers create to disseminate an online product or the firm that markets it. (Wikipedia:

Unique Venue
A facility/business whose singularity is due to its location, architecture, heritage value, decor, fixtures, normal use, etc. Examples range from castles, palaces, ruins and other heritage sites where it is not usually permitted to stage events, to museums, theaters, football stadiums, etc.

U-Shape Seating
Tables set up in a U shape with chairs arranged around the perimeter. Chairs may also be placed outside or inside.

U.S. Travel Association. The leading force that grows and sustains travel and protects the freedom to travel. Their efforts are focused on achieving a shared vision for the industry: Travel is understood as essential to the economy, American jobs, security, image and well-being of the United States and travelers.

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