Organizations are bodies of people with a particular purpose, especially businesses, societies, associations, etc.
Organizations within the MINT+ platform are associated with Meeting Profiles, ie: the meetings that the organization has over time.
Examples of Organizations include “Alabama Pharmacy Association” and “Texas Retired Teachers Association”.
For information on other record types, see “MINT+ Record Types".
From the Organizations section of a search result, all users can complete the following actions:
- To view an Organization record, click on the Organization’s hyperlinked name. This will take you to the Organization Detail Page
- Click a column title to sort the records by category
- Click the Star Icon next to a record to flag it as a favorite (or to make the record available for import into your CRM if you a Simpleview CRM user)
Organization Profile Detail Page
Nonprofit / Profit Classification: If the organization is a nonprofit, its National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) classification is displayed. This is the standard classification system used for non-profit organizations to classify themselves for US government purposes.
If the organization is for profit, its North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) classification is displayed. This is the standard classification system used by for-profit businesses and organizations to classify themselves for US government purposes.
Key Classifications: The MINT+ team has categorized specific market segments into broad categories based on common industry segmentation to enable easy searching. Each Key Classification comprises related codes from both the NAICS and NTEE code lists.
Organization Information: This area details the Organization’s address, website URL and mission, if applicable. In addition, you can see the ‘Created By’ and ‘Last Updated’ information and access the change log via the ‘View Change Log’ button.
Contacts: Lists the names and contact information of individuals associated with the Organization’s Meetings.
Management Organizations: Provides details about any 3rd party planning organizations that have manged this org’s meetings in the past, if available.
Meeting Preferences: This section provides information about the Organization's preferences for all of their meetings all in one place, such as the total number of meeting occurrences on that org, regions they meet in (including your custom regions), peak and attendance ranges, months, and more. If CBIS has gathered data on this org’s meetings, you may also see a similar view specific to CBIS data only.
Meeting Profiles: Displays Meeting Profiles associated with the Organization from both MINT+ and CBIS (Beta).
MINT+ Future Bookings: Shows scheduled Meetings booked for the Organization.
MINT+ Histories: Presents data on past Meeting occurrences for the Organization.
CBIS Occurrences: Lists all the occurrences gathered by CBIS.
CBIS Organization Info
Columbia Bookings is a data partner organization associated with the MINT+ platform; it is another data source that provides historical data related to the Organization. If this data exists, this section will appear with general historical information about the company and the market it operates in.
Tax-Exempt Organization Information
A specific subset of records within the MINT+ database contains comprehensive information about tax-exempt Organizations. If the Organization is tax-exempt, this section will appear with tax and financial information about the org.