Registering A New Account

Registration Process and Caveats

This article covers the basics of the registration process. Each organization has their own curated login experience, that means the DAM registration form you are using may display differently than what is outlined in this article. Regardless of how the registration displays, the steps to register remain the same. 

Step 1: Access Your Login Page

Access the DAM login page by adding the organization name in front of the URL. For example, “” is a valid path to access Atlanta’s DAM and login page.


Step 2: Select the ‘Register’ button

Next, select the ‘Register’ option above the Login fields on the DAM login page. 


Step 3: Complete All Mandatory Fields

Selecting the ‘Register’ option from the login screen will open up the DAM User Registration form. Complete all mandatory fields and optional fields as necessary. The form includes an asterisk (*) next to the names of required  fields.



Be as specific and detailed as possible when completing the required ‘How will you be using these digital assets?’ field. This information is important when granting users access to the proper groups.


Select the ‘Submit’ button, once all fields have been completed. To cancel the process or to start over, select the ‘cancel’ button. 

Granting Access

Access will be granted one of two ways depending on how the organization’s DAM is configured:

  • Instant Access: Once the registration form has been submitted, an immediate notification will be sent via email with the login credentials. 
  • Admin Access: Once the registration form has been submitted, it will notify the organizations admins of the request. They can then review the registration details, approve and set up access.

If approved, a notification will be sent via email with the login credentials. 

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