What Are Categories?
Categories allow you to group your assets by topic or theme in your Simpleview DAM. Categories are an organization tool for your assets and can give users an overarching view of the types of images, videos, audio and documents available in your system.
Categories create a structure by asset type from top level categories to nested sub-categories, as needed. The All Assets page includes a filter for ‘Categories’. Only Categories that a user has access to display as options in this filter.
For example, a common category structure may be; Attractions, Dining, Downtown, Parks, Museums, Nightlife, Pro Sports, etc.
Creating a New Category Structure
Create a new category structure for your Assets, by selecting the ‘Review’ then ‘Categories’ and finally the asset type from the side navigation bar. In this example, we will be accessing the ‘Images’ asset type.
Categories must be created for each asset type, such as images, videos, audio, docs & logos. Even if it is the same structure for each type.
Selecting this navigation opens a pop-up titled ‘Category Management’. Use this window to create or edit existing categories for the selected asset type.
Add a new category, by selecting the ‘Create’ button at the bottom of the pop-up.
Selecting the ‘Create’ button adds a field at the bottom of the current category list. Enter in the name of your category and then select ‘Enter’ from your keyboard. The new category is added automatically and alphabetized in the list.
Best Practice
Categories display for all asset types when being used as a filter. Our team recommends adding the asset type as part of the category title. This helps identify the asset type when searching for assets.
Creating Subcategories
For additional structure, add subcategories to an existing category. To create a new subcategory, select a top level category or subcategory from the list and select the ‘Create’ button.
Selecting the ‘Create’ button adds a field underneath the selected category or subcategory. Enter in the name of your subcategory and then select ‘Enter’ from your keyboard. The new category is automatically added and alphabetized to that category or subcategory list.
Editing Existing Categories
Edit a Category’s structure under an asset type using the buttons located at the bottom of the Category Management pop-up.
Rename: Selecting this option allows a user to rename an existing category. First select an existing category or subcategory, then use the ‘Rename’ button. Enter in the new category name and select ‘Enter’ on your keyboard. The category or subcategory will then be updated and alphabetized in the category list.
Delete: Selecting this option removes the selected category from your system.
This option only deletes the category, not the assets assigned to it.
Cut: Use this option to move a category or subcategory to a new location in your category structure. Select a category from your list and click the ‘Cut’ button. Then select a new category or subcategory location and select the ‘Paste’ button.
Paste: Use this option to place a ‘Cut’ category or subcategory in a new location within the category structure.
Move to Root: This option gives the ability to change a nested subcategory into a primary category by bringing it to the top level of the category structure.
How to Assign Assets to Categories
Once a category structure is set, you can then assign associated assets to their structure. You can accomplish this by editing the asset’s metadata information.
Assets can be assigned to one or multiple categories.
Asset metadata can be edited individually or multiples using batch editing.
More information about managing metadata
Assets cannot be removed from categories in multiples. For assistance with batch removal of assets from categories, contact your Account Manager or submit a ticket through the Client Portal